Petition to the Academic Requirements Committee
Use this Petition to Add, Drop Without a Recorded W, or Withdraw with a Recorded W
Approved petitions are subject to a fee of $25-$50. If the petition is for initial registration
for the term, a $100 late registration fee may apply after the 4
week of the term.
Return to:
Office of the Registrar
Last First MI
UO ID Number:
Street City State Zip
E-mail: Phone: ( )
You are requesting an exception to a faculty-established policy or academic deadline. You are required to provide evidence of compelling
circumstances which would warrant approval. Present all information in a clear and concise manner and return your completed petition
Please note: the ARC does not consider the following to be circumstances which warrant an exception to the policies or deadlines:
Dissatisfaction with a grade
Dates that midterms/grades were given, posted or returned
Ignorance/confusion about the deadline date
Failure to carefully check registration and bills on DuckWeb
For approval of any petition, the following are mandatory:
9 Instructor signature
9 Department stamp
Please allow at least ten working days to be notified of a decision on your petition. If you have questions about a
registration petition, contact a Student Records Specialist in the Office of the Registrar, 234 Oregon Hall, (541) 346-2935.
Petitions to withdraw from all classes or to withdraw with a W from a course after the term is over are reviewed by
the Scholastic Review Committee. Contact the Office of Academic Advising, 101 Oregon Hall, (541) 346-3211.
Explain why you missed the deadline. What extenuating circumstances justify granting this petition? Write legibly and
attach a second page if needed.
why the requested action is appropriate.
Instructor Handwritten Signature
Please print instructor name:
Send this completed form to your instructor from your UO email address. This will serve as your signature.
Student Handwritten Signature Date
(Form submission from your UO email will serve as signature.)
(Instructors should forward the email to their department for department stamp.)
Send this form to your dept. personnel from your UO email address. This will serve as your signature.
Student Request to:
PETITIONS TO ADD: Please be aware additional tuition and fees may be assessed.
1. Subject Course # CRN Title Instructor Graded or P/N Credits
Instructor Handwritten Signature (required for consideration) Date
Dept Stamp indicated in email from
department personnel using UO acct.
Please print instructor name: ____________________________________________
2. Subject Course # CRN Title Instructor Graded or P/N Credits
Instructor Handwritten Signature (required for consideration)
Please print instructor name:
Subject Course # CRN Title Instructor Graded or P/N Credits Year/Term
The instructor MUST INITIAL one of the following reasons for recommending the approval of this change:
_______ Student was ill or injured during the first week of the term and unable to drop the course before the deadline.
_______ Department changed the course meeting date/time and student was unable to participate.
_______ Student has not met the prerequisite(s) for this course. (Approval granted only within the first two weeks of the term.)
_______ Student was incorrectly placed at this level; registration in _____________________ is recommended.
Subject/Course #/CRN
_______ Student is enrolling in another section of the same course. (see ADD above)
_______ Other (Instructor statement required on reverse side)
Instructor Handwritten Signature (required for consideration)
Please print instructor name:
PETITIONS TO WITHDRAW WITH A RECORDED “W” (current term only): *** For past terms, contact Academic Advising,
364 Oregon Hall.
Subject Course # CRN Title Instructor Graded or P/N Credits Year/Term
The instructor MUST INITIAL one of the following reasons for recommending the approval of this change:
_______ Student was ill or injured and unable to drop the course before the deadline.
_______ Other (Instructor statement required on reverse side)
Instructor Handwritten Signature (required for consideration) Date
Please print instructor name:
Approved Denied
Petition Fee:
Student notified of tuition change SFAREGS SFAINDV Student Notified: Sent In person
Received By: ______________________________ Date: _______________
ARC Petition-Add-Drop-Withdraw November 2019 Add Drop Petition.PDF
Dept Stamp indicated in email from
department personnel using
UO acct.
Dept Stamp indicated in email from
department personnel using UO acct.
Dept Stamp indicated in email from
department personnel using UO acct.
Email from instructor UO address serves as signature.
Email from instructor UO address serves as signature.
Email from instructor UO address serves as signature.
mail from instructor UO address serves as signa
Student must withdraw from the course before petitioning for no