6. The petition shall state the source of the information used to compile the list and shall
contain an affidavit of the preparer that to the best of his knowledge said list is
complete and accurate. If the affected property is under the jurisdiction of a
Community Association, this requirement of notice to affected property owners may
be fulfilled by mailing such notice to the Community Association’s registered agent. All
abutting property owners must be included in the mailing list. Said list shall be
accompanied by a Number Ten (10) white envelope for each affected and abutting
property owner as follows:
a. The following return address shall be printed or typed on the envelope and
certifying postal documents:
City of Greenacres
Planning & E ngineering Department
5800 Melaleuca Lane
Greenacres, FL 33463
b. The envelope shall be pre-stamped with sufficient postage for certified, return
receipt postage for addresses in the United States and registered mail postage
for address in foreign countries. DO NOT USE PREDATED METER POSTAGE.
c. A properly completed certified mail receipt or registered mail receipt, as applicable,
shall be attached to each envelope. No pre-dated metered postage allowed.
d. Note: b and c are needed only if the petition site is a right-of-way or a public
drainage easement.
7. Utility Services, drainage district and Palm Beach County approvals – the written
consent of the utility companies providing service to or within the Petition Site shall be
attached to the petition. In the case of any petition affecting drainage easement,
canals, lakes or other water management systems, the written consent of the drainage
district or community association having jurisdiction over the Petition Site shall also be
attached to the petition.
8. Abutting property owners – abutting property owners should be listed as indicated.
The consent of those owners, other than the petitioner, should be attached and
identified (This statement applies to Right-of-way abandonment request only).
9. Access to affected property – the petition shall contain a statement that to the best
of the Petitioner’s knowledge, the granting of the petition would not affect the
ownership or right of convenient access of persons owning other parcels within the
area of the subdivision (This statement applies to Right-of-Way abandonment
requests only).
10. Federal or State Highway Statement - the petition shall certify that the Petition Site,
or any portion thereof, is not a part of any State or Federal highway and was not
acquired or dedicated for State of Federal purposes (This statement applies to
Right-of-Way abandonment requests only).