C. I am a dependent person and my parent or legal guardian
has come to Oklahoma to work full‐time or practice a profession
on a full‐time basis.
‐Parent/guardian’s most recent Federal Income Tax Return from
1040 OR legal documentation of custody or guardianship
‐Proof of parent/guardian’s Oklahoma domicile (Okla
mortgage statement or lease agreement spanning at least 12
‐Current letter from parent/guardian’s employer on company
letterhead that is dated, signed by a company official, indicates
date of hire, and clarifies full‐time employment status
‐(If not U.S. citizen) documentation of parent/guardian’s
immigration status
D. I am an independent person, am a U.S. citizen or lawful
‐Employment verification in Oklahoma
permanent resident, have lived continuously in Oklahoma for at
‐Most recent Federal Income Tax Return form 1040
least 12 continuous months (not attending a higher education
‐Proof of Oklahoma domicile (Oklahoma State Income Tax Return
institution), and have established domicile in Oklahoma.
from 511; Oklahoma mortgage statement or lease agreement
spanning at least 12 months)
‐Documentation of self‐support while living in Oklahoma
‐(If not a U.S. citizen) documentation of immigration status
E. I am an independent person and have come to Oklahoma
to work full‐time or to practice on a full‐time basis.
‐Most recent Federal Income Tax Return from 1040
‐Proof of Oklahoma domicile (Oklahoma State Income Tax Return
form 511p; Oklahoma mortgage statement or lease agreement
spanning at le
ast 12 months)
‐Current letter from employer on company letterhead that is
dated, signed by company official, indicates date of hire, and
clarifies full‐time employment status; OR other proof of full‐time
employment in Oklahoma)
‐(If not a U.S. citizen) documentation immigration status
F. I am married to an individual who has already established
Oklahoma domicile and is recognized as in‐state.
‐Copy of marriage license
‐Spouse’s Oklahoma State Income Tax Return form 511 OR other
proof of spouse’s in‐state status
‐(If not a U.S. citizen) documentation of spouse’s immigration
G. I am (or am the dependent of an individual) on full‐time,
‐Copy of Armed Forces member’s current orders or letter from
active duty military orders with the U.S. Armed Forces stationed
Oklahoma commanding officer verifying member’s full‐time
in Oklahoma.
active duty status in Oklahoma
‐Most recent military leave and ea
rnings statement
H. Other (please attach a separate document that explains
your circumstances, and include supporting documentation).
Name of High School
High School State
High School Graduation Date
Were you claimed as a dependent on anyone else’s federal income tax return for at least the
last year?
Guardian Name
Relationship to Student
If no, skip to section 5. If yes,
please complete all information in
this section.
Claimed as dependent on fed tax
Parent/Legal Guardian Address (Street, City, State, & Zip)
Years at this address
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