Petition for In-State Tuition Classification Checklist
The Colorado Tuition Classification Statute (C.R.S. 23-7-101 et. Seq.) may be obtained at http://highered.Colorado.gov/finance/residency
The deadline to submit a complete petition, along with all documentation that you have obtained in the state of Colorado, is within 30 days of
your first day of class. It is your responsibility to pay for your classes based on non-resident tuition rates, pending a decision regarding your
residency status. Documentation submitted must be photocopies because the entire petition and supporting documentation become part of
your permanent college record. If emailed, petition and documentation must be sent as one complete file. Communication and decisions will be
sent to your student-assigned CCCS email account in eWOLF.
Students over 23 - Complete the petition and provide ALL documentation under the
areas below.
Students under 23 whose parents or legal court appointed guardians are Colorado residents - Complete the petition and provide
documentation for your biological parents or legal court-appointed guardian. If you have a legal court-appointed
guardian you must provide court documents.
Students under 23 who are financially independent and want to prove emancipation - Complete the petition and provide ALL
documentation you have received in the state of Colorado under the
areas below.
Students under 23 who have been married for over one year - Complete the petition and provide ALL documentation under the
areas below. Also provide a copy of your marriage certificate.
Provide ALL of the following required documentation that you have received in the state of Colorado. A decision will be
made based on the documentation provided. If you do not have something listed here, please explain.
Copy of your lease(s) to cover 12 months prior to the start of the semester of which you are petitioning for residency. Homeowners should
include a copy of a warranty deed. If you are not on a lease and live with a friend or relative, you must provide a notarized statement from that
person indicating the property address, dates you lived with him/her, a copy of their lease, warranty deed, or property taxes, covering the
period of time they are stating you lived with them.
2. INTENT DOCUMENTATION (submit copies of ALL that you have obtained in the state of Colorado):
Signed copy of the most current years Colorado Income Tax Returns (based on school year)
Copy of Voter Registration
Copy of Driver’s License or Identification Card issued by the State of Colorado
Copy of Motor Vehicle Registration for the past 2 years
Verification of Employment - letter from employer(s) verifying your employment dates, or copies of paystubs for the 12
consecutive months prior to the start of the semester of which you are petitioning for residency.
Visa, PR card or other USCIS documentation (if applicable)
EMANCIPATION DOCUMENTATION (students who are under the age of 23 whose parents do not live in Colorado who would like to
prove financial emancipation, submit ALL required documentation):
Emancipation form (included in this packet) completed and signed by parents, and notarized
Copy of both parents’ or legal court appointed guardians’ Federal Income Tax Returns for the most current year/school year
Copies of your Paystubs from all employers for 12 months prior to the start of the semester of which you are petitioning for residency
Copy of your Federal and State Income Tax Returns and W-2s for the most current year/school year
Copies of all financial account bank statements for 12 months prior to the start of the semester of which you are petitioning for residency
(checking, savings, investments, trust accounts, etc.)
Students who have attended at least 3 years and graduated from a Colorado high school, and applied or attended a Colorado college
within 12 months of graduating high school:
Copy of your High School transcript
(must have your final date of graduation on it)
Copy of your admissions letter to a Colorado college or unofficial Colorado college transcript
**If you meet this Colorado high school rule requirement, simply attach a copy of the two documents listed above, complete the top half of the
next page, sign the petition on page 5 and submit. You do not need to go any further or provide additional documentation.
B-S-ADMN Update by the Office of the Registrar 08.01.2016