Admissions and Records
2277 Napa-Vallejo Highway, Napa, Ca. 94558
707.256.7200 fax 707.256-7219
Petition for High School to College Credit
se print clearly in black or blue ink only. All blanks must be filled-in for this form to be considered.
NVC Student ID#
(7 digit number assigned by the college for identification)
Student Name:
First MI Last
Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________________________________
City State Zip
Email____________________________________ Phone____________________________________________
Students may request classes to be changed from High School Credit to College Credit. Units completed prior to spring
of 2015 will require payment in advance. Please ask for a copy of your unofficial transcript, present this to the cashier’s
window (if applicable) and return the receipt and transcript to Admissions & Records to process the request.
Number of semesters that you are requesting High School units to be changed to College Credit: _______
Number of units requested to be changed:
List all the courses in each semester/s you plan to change from High School credit to College credit:
Ex. Math 90
Spring 2010
Student Signature Date: __________________
Note: Submit this form to the Admissions & Records Office. Please wait 5 business days after
submission to request official transcripts.
Please retain a completed copy of this form for your records.
Revised 4/5/2016
For Office Use Only
Business/Cashier’s Office Receipt # ___________________
Classes to be changed and semesters indicated on the form
Request for Transcripts submitted
Date submitted: __________________ Date processed: ____________________
Notes: ____________________________________________________________