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Petition for Excused Withdrawal
Revised 16SEP2021
If you need to withdraw from all your classes due to extenuating circumstances*, please see an advisor/program coordinator in your
School/College. The advisor/program coordinator will discuss your options and assist you with the completion and submission of this
petition if appropriate. Office of the University Registrar will review this petition upon receipt of all the necessary and supporting
Be advised that reducing your credit load can affect your eligibility for financial aid, loan deferment, insurance, progress towards your
degree, studentathleteeligibility, and visa status for international students. There may be additional restrictions. In some cases, excused
withdrawal may not result in tuition credits. Excused withdrawal may result in additional financial obligations, such as return of aid.
Student information
Name: _________________________________________________________ TUID: ________________________
Phone#:_____________________________ Email: ___________________________________________________
Seeking excused withdrawal from:
Fall Spring Summer I Summer II Year: __________
1. Serious medical circumstances that render student unable to return to class(es).
Required pages: Petition for Excused W ithdrawal (form), Student’s Personal Statement (form)
Other information: Educational Record Release, Medical Provider’s Statement (1 form per provider)
2. Serious family emergency that renders a student unable to return to all classes.
Required pages: Petition for Excused W ithdrawal (form), Student’s Personal Statement (form)
Other information: Documentation to support personal statement
3. Military deployment to a location that would render the student unable to return to class.
Required pages: Petition for Excused W ithdrawal (form)
Other information: Deployment orders
4. If you would like the committee to consider other extenuating circumstances.
Required pages: Petition for Excused W ithdrawal (form), Student’s Personal Statement (form)
Other information: Documentation to support personal statement
Advisor Name:
Advisor email:
Last date of attendance: Date contacted by the student:
Advisor Signature:
SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: Completed petition documents should be uploaded by advisor/program coordinator for
review by the Office of the University Registrar through Student360 by selecting EXCUSED WITHDRAWAL PETITION
document type. Please combine petition pages and all supporting documents into a single PDF document (not
portfolio) before uploading. Office of University Registrar will contact faculty to confirm attendance/participation dates.
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Student’s Personal Statement
Petition for Excused Withdrawal
Revised 16SEP2021
This document must be submitted with the Petition for Excused Withdrawal form.
Student information
Name: ________________________________________________________ TUID: ________________________
Seeking excused withdrawal from:
Fall Spring Summer I Summer II Year: __________
1. Did you drop/withdraw from the course(s) during the add/drop or withdrawal period for the term? If
not, why?
2. Did you immediately contact your advisor/program coordinator regarding your extenuating
circumstance? If not, why?
3. What other offices did you contact regarding your extenuating circumstance?
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Student’s Personal Statement
Petition for Excused Withdrawal
Revised 16SEP2021
4. Please explain the details of the extenuating circumstance. Attach additional pages if necessary.
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FERPA Release
Petition for Excused Withdrawal
Consent for Release of Educational Records and Waiver
This document must be included with the petition for excused withdrawal.
I, _____________________________________________, intending to be legally bound, authorize the
release of educational records or information from educational records relating to me and maintained
by Temple University to (please list any and all medical providers related to this case):
1) Name of medical provider: ____________________________________________________
Practitioner type: [] Medical doctor [] Psychiatrist [] Psychologist [] Other
Address: ____________________________________________________________________
2) Name of medical provider: ____________________________________________________
Practitioner type: [] Medical doctor [] Psychiatrist [] Psychologist [] Other
Address: ____________________________________________________________________
3) Name of medical provider: ____________________________________________________
Practitioner type: [] Medical doctor [] Psychiatrist [] Psychologist [] Other
Address: ____________________________________________________________________
4) Name of medical provider: ____________________________________________________
Practitioner type: [] Medical doctor [] Psychiatrist [] Psychologist [] Other
Address: ____________________________________________________________________
For the purpose of evaluating the petition for excused withdrawal from courses for a medical reason, I
make this release and waiver understanding my right to prevent disclosure of information from my
educational records under the United States Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA).
Student signature: _____________________________ Date: __________________
TUid: ___________________________________
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Medical Provider Statement
Petition for Excused Withdrawal
Revised 16SEP2021
Your patient is a student at Temple University and is seeking an excused withdrawal from classes based on a medical condition. This
form is to be filled out by the medical doctor, psychiatrist, psychologist, or other licensed medical practitioner who is treating the
student for the condition necessitating an excused withdrawal from classes. This form must be returned to the student to accompany
his/her Petition for Excused Withdrawal. Thank you for your assistance.
Student Name: ________________________ TUID: ____ _____________ Withdrawal Term: _______________
1) Did you provide medical treatment for the student named above? [YES] [NO]
2) Nature of the medical condition: _______________________________________________________________
Is this a chronic condition? [] YES [] NO
3) Date treatment started: _________________ Date treatment concluded (if applicable): __________________
4) Given the medical diag nosis, do you believe the medical condition affected the student’s ability in the following
area. Note: Not all requir ed to be eligible for an excused withdrawal. If you are unsure, please use ‘H to explain.
A. Attend class where the course was taught facetoface [] YES [] NO [] UNSURE
B. Attend class where the course was taught online [] YES [] NO [] UNSURE
C. Actively participate in class: Work in groups [] YES [] NO [] UNSURE
D. Actively participate in class: Work individually [] YES [] NO [] UNSURE
E. Actively participate in class: Respond to questions [] YES [] NO [] UNSURE
F. Participate in related activities such as Lab, Internship, etc. [] YES [] NO [] UNSURE
G. Minor travel for class /academic activity [] YES [] NO [] UNSURE
H. Other Please explain:
5) The treatment requires/ required prolonged absence (e.g., hospitalization, recovery, etc.) from the University:
[YES] [NO] If yes, how long? ____________________ _____
Your role in the treatment of this student/patient:
[] Medical doctor [] Psychiatrist [] Psychologist [] Other ______________
Print your full name clearly: _______________________________________ Phone:__________________________
License number: __________________________________ State: ____________Country:_______ ______________
Signature: _______________________________________________ Today’s date: __________________________
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