Medical Provider Statement
Petition for Excused Withdrawal
Revised 16‐SEP‐2021
Your patient is a student at Temple University and is seeking an excused withdrawal from classes based on a medical condition. This
form is to be filled out by the medical doctor, psychiatrist, psychologist, or other licensed medical practitioner who is treating the
student for the condition necessitating an excused withdrawal from classes. This form must be returned to the student to accompany
his/her Petition for Excused Withdrawal. Thank you for your assistance.
Student Name: ________________________ TUID: ____ _____________ Withdrawal Term: _______________
1) Did you provide medical treatment for the student named above? [YES] [NO]
2) Nature of the medical condition: _______________________________________________________________
Is this a chronic condition? [] YES [] NO
3) Date treatment started: _________________ Date treatment concluded (if applicable): __________________
4) Given the medical diag nosis, do you believe the medical condition affected the student’s ability in the following
area. Note: Not all requir ed to be eligible for an excused withdrawal. If you are unsure, please use ‘H’ to explain.
A. Attend class where the course was taught face‐to‐face [] YES [] NO [] UNSURE
B. Attend class where the course was taught online [] YES [] NO [] UNSURE
C. Actively participate in class: Work in groups [] YES [] NO [] UNSURE
D. Actively participate in class: Work individually [] YES [] NO [] UNSURE
E. Actively participate in class: Respond to questions [] YES [] NO [] UNSURE
F. Participate in related activities such as Lab, Internship, etc. [] YES [] NO [] UNSURE
G. Minor travel for class /academic activity [] YES [] NO [] UNSURE
H. Other‐ Please explain:
5) The treatment requires/ required prolonged absence (e.g., hospitalization, recovery, etc.) from the University:
[YES] [NO] If yes, how long? ____________________ _____
Your role in the treatment of this student/patient:
[] Medical doctor [] Psychiatrist [] Psychologist [] Other ______________
Print your full name clearly: _______________________________________ Phone:__________________________
License number: __________________________________ State: ____________Country:_______ ______________
Signature: _______________________________________________ Today’s date: __________________________
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