Saint Louis University
Revised 03/2017
Petition for Advanced Standing in a Doctoral Program
INSTRUCTIONS: This petition is used to list completed, advanced coursework applicable to the current doctoral
program that was (1) credited to a degree program at another university or (2) completed at Saint Louis University
prior to readmission. Courses completed in a master’s degree earned at another university will not appear on the
SLU permanent record as “transfer credit.”
This petition may not be used to document credit for graduate coursework completed in a non-degree program.
Use the petition for "Transfer of Credit" instead.
Fill in the information below and check the boxes as appropriate. Space is provided on the reverse side of the form
for detailing individual, advanced courses that the current program deems acceptable toward the partial fulfillment
of doctoral-degree requirements. If an entire master’s degree program is deemed acceptable, then indicate this
below. An unofficial copy of transcripts documenting coursework and grades earned must be attached to
this petition. Forward the completed form to the appropriate Dean/Director of your College/School/Center.
Please Print:____________________________________________________________ _____________________
(Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial) (Banner ID)
Local Address:_________________________________________________________________________________
(Street, Apt) (City) (State) (Zip Code)
E-mail Address:________________________________________ Local Phone No.__________________________
Academic term of student’s admission to Classified (degree-seeking) status: ________________________
Student’s time-period-to-degree expires ________________________________________
Check here if entire master’s degree program from ____________________________________________________
is acceptable toward partial fulfillment of doctoral-degree requirements. Note that 80% of coursework (exclusive of
dissertation research hours) for the degree must be completed in residence, irrespective of credits accepted toward
advanced standing.
Check here if only some of the advanced work previously completed is acceptable toward partial fulfillment of
doctoral-degree requirements. List specific courses and SLU equivalents (if any) on the reverse side of this form.
Graduate Education
Select ONE of the following options: