Petition To Withdraw After The Scheduled Drop Date
Baldwin Wallace University
Student Name: ___________________________________ ID#: _____________________________ Academic Advisor: _____________________________
Date: _________________ Email Address: __________________________________________ Phone Number: ___________________________
Course(s): ____________________________ ____________________________ _____________________________ Semester/Year: ___________________
Reason for withdrawal request:
Employment/Financial change Other
Personal (Family/Psychological/Learning/Chronic Illness) Please specify ________________________
Medical or Acute Stress (Mono, injury, accident)
Please note that a Petition to Withdraw will not be processed during or after finals week.
Please Read carefully: The following information is relative to completing and submitting the attached petition for withdrawal after the scheduled drop date.
Procedure: A student has the option to withdraw from a full semester class during the first nine weeks of the term with no grade penalty (refer to academic
calendar for weekend and minimester last date to drop information). After the ninth week, all withdrawals must be petitioned and will be evaluated on a case
by case basis by the withdrawal committee. All petitions must include supporting written documentation from a qualified professional. Please note that lack of
academic progress in a course is not a sufficient reason for an authorized withdrawal after the last date to drop.
Instructions for completing the petition:
1. Complete the top portion of this form checking the appropriate reason for your withdrawal request.
2. Initial and sign back of this form indicating that you understand and agree to the items listed.
3. You must prepare a typed personal statement which addresses the extenuating circumstances that occurred and the reason why you are
seeking a late withdrawal.
4. Submit the completed form, written documentation from the qualified professional with whom you have been working and personal
statement for your request to the Registrar’s Office, 105 Bonds. FAX # 440-826-6522
5. No petitions will be reviewed until this form, your written documentation and your statement have been received.
6. Once all of these materials are received, then the withdrawal committee will review your request and make a decision.
7. You will be notified of the committee’s decision by BW email.
*** If the petition is denied, you remain responsible for the courses and will receive whatever grades your instructors submit at the end of the
term. If your petition is approved, you will receive either a WP (Withdraw Passing) or WX (Withdraw Failing); the grade will be posted to your
record but neither WP nor WX is calculated into your cumulative grade point average.