1. The Petition for Policy Exception (PPE) is a formal request for an exception to a published College policy. It can be approved only
when the circumstance for the request is due to illness, death of an immediate family member, military service, hardship, or
when there is documented evidence of institutional error (see page two for detailed exception categories).
2. The PPE will only be considered if the request is accompanied by appropriate documentation to support the circumstance. It is
the student’s responsibility to follow the PPE procedure guidelines to:
a) communicate clearly and legibly in a personal statement stating the grounds for the petition;
b) provide the appropriate documentation (if this is the result of a medical condition, you must include the Healthcare
Provider Verification Form [page 5] in addition to any other documentation required) and;
c) submit the PPE no later than the last day of the quarter that immediately follows the quarter in question.
3. A response will be issued via your SPSCC student email address within ten (10) instructional days. Therefore, students must have
an established SPSCC student email account before submitting the petition.
4. The tuition refund policy of South Puget Sound Community College is established by the Board of Trustees and developed from
the Washington State RCW 28B.15.605 and RCW 28B.10.270. It is available on the College’s website at
https://spscc.edu/policy/prstsv227, and it is printed in the college catalog.
5. Refunds for financial aid recipients are calculated according to financial aid regulations. An approved PPE may not eliminate all
financial aid debt. Please consult with the Student Financial Aid Office for additional information.
By my signature below, I attest that I have read all of the information on this page and that I understand my responsibilities to comply with the
policy and procedures outlined therein with respect to the processing of this petition for policy exception.
Petition for Policy Exception (PPE)
Tuition, Fees, Drop, and/or Withdrawal