Vaccine Verification
Please submit this document completed and signed by your pet's veterinarian. Your application will
not be processed until this document has been submitted.
Student Name: J#:
Pet Information
Pet Name: Pet Sex: Pet Age:
Species: Pet Weight:
Breed (if known):
Physical Description of
Vaccination Verification
Rabies Date Given Date Due
Fecal OVA & Parasite Date Given Date Due
Distemper Date Given Date Due
(Dogs Only)
Date Given Date Due
(Cats Only) Date Given Date Due
(Dogs Only) Date Given Date Due
Spayed/Neutered Date Given
Flea Prevention Date Given
By signing below, I hereby verify the above named and described animal has been examined and found to be free of all disease. The above
vaccinations and dates provided are accurate and current.
Veterinarian Name: Contact Number:
Veterinarian Signature: Date:
Residential Life
7150 Montview Blvd., Denver, CO 80220
(P): 303.256.9642
Centennial Hall 126