Be prepared for flooding. Act now
Personal flood plan What can I do NOW?
Put important documents out of
flood risk and protect in polythene
Check your insurance covers you
for flooding
Move furniture and electrical items to safety
• Put flood boards, polythene and sandbags in place
Make a list now of what you can move away from the risk
• Turn off electricity, water and gas supplies
• Roll up carpets and rugs
• Unless you have time to remove them hang curtains over rods
• Move sentimental items to safety
Put important documents in polythene bags and move to safety
Garden and outside
• Move your car out of the flood risk area
• Move any large or loose items or weigh them down
• Move important documents, computers and stock
• Alert staff and request their help
• Farmers move animals and livestock to safety
Evacuation - Prepare a flood kit in advance
• Inform your family or friends that you may need to leave your home
• Get your flood kit together and include a torch, warm and waterproof clothing,
water, food, medication, toys for children and pets, rubber gloves and wellingtons
Look at the best way of stopping
floodwater entering your property
Make a flood plan and prepare a
flood kit
Find out where you can get
Identify who can help you/
who you can help
Identify what you would need to take
with you if you had to leave your home
Understand the flood warning codes
What can you do if a flood is expected in your area?
There are a range of flood protection products on the market to help you protect
your property from flood damage. A directory of these is available from the
National Flood Forum at www.bluepages.org.uk
Environment Agency Practical advice to help you create a flood plan 29