Chapter 3: Team Building Lesson 4: Battalion Drill
Unit 4: LET 4 – The Managing Leader 1
Performance Assessment Task
Battalion Drill [U4C3L4]
This performance assessment task gives you an opportunity to document your achievement
of the lesson’s competency:
Execute battalion drills
For this performance assessment task, you will continue to develop the knowledge, skills, and
attitudes needed to be a leader in drill. As in other drill lessons, you will be required to build upon
the skills that you have previously learned. For this lesson assessment, you will work with a peer
Cadet to create a diagram of a battalion formation and a Flow Map or written summary describing
the commands and responses for a battalion drill. You will also be assessed on your performance
in leading battalion drill. For this assessment you will:
1. Think about the battalion formations and drill movements that you learned and practiced in
this lesson.
2. Draw a diagram of an assigned battalion formation.
3. Create a Flow Map or write a summary describing the commands and responses of an
assigned battalion drill movement.
4. Perform the battalion leadership role as assigned during Leadership Lab.
5. Use the attached scoring guide criteria for what you need to do to complete this task.
6. Submit your completed performance assessment task and scoring guide to your Instructor for
evaluation and a grade.
ECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that you add this performance assessment task to
your Cadet Portfolio.