1. Marie was playing a dart game and she attempted 50 times and
was able to hit 40% of the attempts. Find the number of attempts
where she missed her target?
2. In a class of 40 students, only 20% of the students are
participating in an art competition. How many students are not
taking part in the competition?
3. Due to leakage, 30% of the water was lost from a water tank. If
only 340 liters of water is left in the tank now, find the total
capacity of the water tank?
4. If a baseball team has lost 50 matches out of the 120 matches
played in total, find out their winning percentage?
5. If there are 20 girls in a class of 30 students, find out the
percentage of boys in the class?
Percentage Word Problem Worksheet-1
6. Find the number of each category of voters based on the
information given below.
Total number of votes = 300000 votes
Number of Male voters = __________
Number of female voters = ________
Number of voters belonging to Others” category = _____
7. Hank spends 76% of his monthly salary and saves $270. Find his
monthly salary?
8. How much percentage of a minute is a second?
9. If 125 children out of 150 are going to a fair organized by a school,
then find the percentage of children not visiting the fair?
10. A basket contains 40 mangoes out of which 8 are rotten. Find the
percentage of the mangoes that are in good condition?
of Votes,
Males, 49%,
of Votes,
47%, 47%
Percentage of
Votes, Others,
4%, 4%
Percentage of Votes
1. 30 attempts
3. 485.7 liters
5. 33.33%
7. $1125
9. 16.66%
1. Percent has come from the Latin word
“per centum” meaning one hundred or
out of hundred.
2. x% of y = y% of x
3. Percentage is another way of
expressing ratio or fraction.