Peralta Community College District
Admissions and Records
Berkeley City College
College of Alameda
Laney C ollege
Merritt College
The Elementary and Middle School Special Enrollment provides enrichment opportunities for elementary and middle
school students who can benefit from college level instruction.
The Peralta Community College District (PCCD) may admit a limited number of elementary and middle
school students who have exceptional ability, or who desire specialized or advanced training. Such admission
must be with the recommendation of the principal and approval of the parent or guardian.
Elementary and middle school students enrolling in a college level course must meet assessment
requirements. The student must follow all the regulations and policies of the college, including adhering to
any prerequisite requirements.
Special part-time enrolled elementary/middle school students are exempt from paying the California
Community College enrollment fees and all other fees. Elementary and middle school students may not
enroll in more than 1 class per semester except during the summer term. Elementary and middle school
students who would like to enroll in more than 6 units during the summer term must obtain permission
from the college VP of Student Services or designee prior to enrollment (Elementary/middle school
transcript required).
* Elementary and middle school students admitted to the Peralta Community College District earn actual
college credits which may affect their financial aid eligibility in future semesters.
All college coursework is governed by the Family Rights and Privacy Act which allows release of academic
information, including grades, to the student only- regardless of age. Academic information is not released to
parents or third parties without the consent of the student.
Steps for the Elementary and Middle School Special Enrollment:
1. Go online to
to download the admission application for the Peralta Community College District.
2. Complete and take this Elementary and Middle School Special Enrollment form to the school’s Principal to
obtain his/her signature.
3. Submit the completed admissions application and the Elementary and Middle School Special Enrollment
form to the Admissions & Records office.
4. You must fill out a separate form for each semester.
I have read the above and authorize my child’s enrollment in the Elementary and Middle School Special
Parent or Guardian’s Signature:
Processed by:
Rev. 04/18/2016 1