PeopleSoft Security Access Request
Last Updated 5/19/20 - jwillis
This is a complimentary computer account and for use in administrative support. Any other uses
of this account are strictly prohibited and improper or illegal use may result in the termination of
your account and you may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of
employment. Security and confidentiality are matters of concern to all Peralta Community College
District employees, which includes employees of the District and each of its campuses, and all
other persons who have access to student, financial and employee records. PCCD is bound by
the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), a federal law regarding the
privacy of student records. Therefore, each employee of PCCD is responsible for maintaining the
security and confidentiality of these records. An individual’s conduct, either on or off the job, may
threaten the security and confidentiality of records. Remember to maintain the privacy of all
PeopleSoft/Oracle data in accordance with policies and procedures of the Peralta Community
College District
Each employee and/or student employee/representative is expected to adhere to the following
Security & Confidentiality Rules & Regulations below:
1. Employees may not perform or permit unauthorized use of or access to any information or
records maintained, stored or processed by the district, colleges, and employee.
2. Employees are not permitted to seek personal benefit or allow others to seek personal
benefit using knowledge or confidential information acquired by virtue of an employees
work assignment and access to confidential records.
3. Employees may not exhibit or divulge the contents of any record or report to any person
except in the conduct of their work assignment and in accordance with the District and
College policies and procedures.
4. Employees are responsible to know and understand the security and confidentiality policies
and procedures particular to their work assignment.
5. Employees may not knowingly include or cause to be included in any report or record a
false, inaccurate or misleading entry. Employees may not knowingly expunge or cause to
be expunged any record, transaction or report of data entry.
6. Employees may not remove any official record or report, or copy thereof, from the office
where it is maintained except in performance of a person’s duties as directed and
7. Employees may not aid, abet or act in conspiracy with another to violate any part of this
8. Any knowledge of a violation of this Confidentiality Agreement must be reported to the
supervisor immediately.
9. Employees are responsible for the security and confidentiality of their individual user ID and
password and their use access gained through use of the system.
Employees must understand and accept responsibility for their actions in the performance of their
responsibilities which includes access to records, and must maintain the privacy of all
PeopleSoft/Oracle data in accordance with policies and procedures of the Peralta Community
College District.