Valid Use: RFM can be used to pay fares on all MTA New York
City Transit subways, NYC Transit local buses, express buses
only during non rush hours, MTA Staten Island Railway, Nassau
Inter-County Express Bus (NICE), MTA Bus, Roosevelt Island
Tram, Westchester Bee-Line local buses and express Bee-Line
BxM4C buses only during non rush hours.
The RFM is valid identification for eligibility in the reduced-
fare programs of the MTA Long Island Rail Road and MTA
Metro-North Railroad, anytime except weekday rush hours to
New York City terminals. To receive the reduced fare, show
the RFM to train personnel or station agents when
purchasing your ticket.
Expiration Dates: Reduced-Fare MetroCards expire on the
date printed on the back of the card. As long as you actively
use your card, NYC Transit automatically sends you a new
RFM before the expiration date.
The full value on an expired RFM may be transferred to a new
RFM at a subway station booth. Any remaining value that is
not transferred to a new RFM within two years after the
expiration date on the original RFM will be surrendered by,
and unavailable to, the card holder.
Trouble Using RFMs: An RFM that does not work or is
damaged should be returned to MetroCard Customer
Claims. Ask a station booth agent or bus operator for a
prepaid envelope in which to return your card to us. In the
envelope you’ll find a form to fill out so you can describe your
RFM problem.
If you prefer, you may bring your damaged RFM to the
MetroCard Customer Service Center at 3 Stone Street in
downtown Manhattan, 9 AM to 5 PM, Monday to Friday.
If you cannot get a prepaid mailer, send the damaged card to
our mailing address at:
MetroCard Customer Claims
130 Livingston Street
Brooklyn, New York 11201-9625
Be sure to include your name, address and phone number,
your damaged RFM, an explanation of the problem and the
address to which the new RFM should be sent.
The holder assumes the risk of loss until the card is received
by either MetroCard Customer Claims or the MetroCard
Service Center.
Change of Address: Notices and replacement cards will be
sent to you at the address you provide. You must inform us
promptly, in writing, of any change of address.
Lost or Stolen RFMs: Immediately report a lost or stolen
RFM by calling the MetroCard Customer Service Center,
718-330-1234, 6 AM to 10 PM or via our MetroCard eFIX
system at www.mta.info. Any value or unlimited rides on your
card will be transferred to your replacement RFM after the
old RFM has been frozen and any balances verified.
Restrictions: An RFM may be used only by the person to
whom it has been validly issued. Use of the RFM by any other
person may result in forfeiture of the card and its remaining
balances, plus civil and/or criminal penalties.
You must present your Reduced-Fare MetroCard to a police
officer or transit personnel upon request.
There are no refunds of money remaining on RFMs. Money
remaining on an expired card may only be transferred to a
new card within two years of the expiration date. Money from
a full-fare MetroCard cannot be transferred to a temporary or
permanent RFM. No redemptions or exchanges will be given
for an RFM that has been altered or tampered with, or whose
value cannot be verified.
The City of New York, the State of New York, the County of
Westchester and the Metropolitan Transportation Authority and
its subsidiaries and affiliates, including New York City Transit,
are not liable for any special or consequential damages
associated with or resulting from the failure, malfunction, or
disabling of the RFM or the MetroCard system.
The MTA Reduced-Fare MetroCard and its use are subject
to all tariff provisions, rules and regulations of the New
York City Transit Authority and its affiliates, and
Westchester County Bee-Line System.
For more information, call 718-330-1234 6 AM to 10 PM. If you are deaf or hard of hearing, use the free 711 relay
or your preferred relay service provider to contact us. Have the card at hand so you can read the serial number
and expiration date to the customer service agent who assists you.
MTA Reduced-Fare MetroCard
Conditions of Use and Other Important Information
for a Metropolitan Transportation Authority Reduced-Fare MetroCard (RFM)
issued to people 65 years of age and older and people with disabilities.
This program is managed by MTA New York City Transit.