Pension in connection with employment as academic staff member
Your position as an academic staff member involves a pension contribution.
As an international employee you have the following options:
Here you can read more about the pension scheme options: http://ias.au.dk/pension/
1. Ordinary pension scheme - You can have the pension contribution transferred to the pension fund
without paying tax. Tax will be deducted when you request for your pension savings to be paid out.
2. International pension scheme You can have the pension contribution transferred to the pension
fund after deduction of your present incometax rate of the amount. This option can be used by
certain academic persons represented by collective agreements related to some pension funds. .
As an international researcher in a fixed-term position for a maximum of five years you also have the
following option:
3. You can opt to have the pension contribution paid out as salary (max. 5 years) after deduction of
the Danish State group life insurance premium.
Please be aware that this option does not include the same insurances as the Ordinary pension
scheme and the International pension scheme.
I want to be covered by (please check appropriate box)
1. Payment to Ordinary pension scheme
2. Payment to International pension scheme
Place of birth (town and country): _____________________________________________
3. Payment as salary. I hereby also confirm that I meet the following conditions:
I am not a Danish citizen
I was registered with a foreign address at the time of application
Please state any previous periods of employment (from date to date) with pension paid out as salary
Name: Date of birth/civil reg.(CPR) no.:
Signature of employee:
click to sign
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