Peer reviewed self-assessment form
Auckland Regional Public Health Service | vaccinator@adhb.govt.nz I www.arphs.health.nz/vaccinator Page 1 of 3
• This form is for authorised vaccinators who would like to renew their authorisation in the Auckland region.
• This form must be sent with a completed “Application for vaccinator authorisation” form.
• Section A must be completed by you (the applicant) first.
• Section B must be completed by a peer reviewer who is currently an authorised vaccinator and has observed
you providing vaccinations with the last 2 years.
Please complete entire section
Name of applicant
The vaccinator is competent
in the immunisation
technique and has the
appropriate knowledge and
skills for the task (selected
required characteristics)
You are equipped to deal with:
☐ anaphylaxis
☐ other reactions related to immunisation
☐ resuscitation
☐ spillages (blood or vaccine)
☐ safe disposal of equipment
The vaccinator obtains
informed consent to
In your vaccination practice, you consistently:
☐ obtain consent
☐ communicate immunisation information effectively and in a culturally
appropriate way
☐ support communication with suitable health education material
☐ allow time to answer questions and obtain feedback
☐ keep a written record that consent has been obtained
The vaccinator provides
safe immunisation
In your vaccination practice, you consistently:
☐ ensure continuity of the cold chain
☐ advise that vaccinees remain under observation for a minimum of 20 minutes
after immunisation
☐ inform the vaccine/caregiver about care after immunisations
☐ ascertain date of last immunisation
☐ enquire about reactions following previous vaccinations
☐ check for true contraindications
☐ determine current health of the vaccinee
☐ use aseptic techniques in preparing and administering all vaccines
☐ visually check the vaccine
☐ reconstitute vaccines with diluent provided (as appropriate)
☐ change needle between preparing and administering vaccine
☐ use correct needle size and length