Peer Mentor Application Packet
Please review what a Peer Mentor is and ensure you can perform ALL associated responsibilities and duties
before you apply. In addition to the packet, please ask a former or current professor, advisor, or supervisor to
fill out the Peer Mentor Recommendation Form. The last part of the process will be to complete the main Lee
College Foundation Scholarship application, which consists of three essay questions:
Please note, your application will not be complete unless you fill out the Lee College Foundation Scholarship
Become a Peer Mentor
The Peer Mentoring Program is an important part of student success at Lee College. Peer Mentors are trained to
assist students in a variety of academic and non-academic issues, are expected to work collaboratively with their
peers, and are expected to promote a positive college climate. Additionally, the following qualifications are
Cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher.
Successful completion of at least 15 hours at Lee College.
Currently enrolled at Lee College with a working knowledge of Lee College student procedures.
Ability to commit to a minimum of 45 hours of service per semester plus a 5 hour training the week
before the semester starts.
Availability for some evening and/or weekend activities.
Must have good communication and interpersonal skills to perform successfully in a multicultural and
diverse environment.
Ability to abide by a confidentiality agreement.
A self-starter not afraid to try something new.
Ability to receive and work with supervisor feedback.
Possess a strong desire to help students.
Responsibilities of a Peer Mentor include, but are not limited to the following:
Weekly communication with students on academic warning.
Hold office hours to assist both walk-in students and appointments with Lee College processes.
Connect students with appropriate college resources.
Create and present workshops for students.
Host one social event or gathering for students per semester.
Implement suggestions from your supervisor into your mentoring practice.
Comply with Lee College policies and procedures.
Attend mandatory trainings and meetings.
Assist with STEM Hub operations and activities as needed.
Complete end of the semester reflection and evaluation.
In addition to a $400 scholarship and $250 stipend per semester, Peer Mentors also gain experience in a variety
of transferable skills such as leadership, communication collaboration, project management, teamwork, and
creativity. They also get to give back to Lee College and fellow students.
A select group of students will be chosen through an application and interview process.