Pechanga Fire Department
This form shall be submitted prior to permit issuance from the Pechanga Fire Department
The minimum fire flow for this building shall be determined by using the current edition of CFC, Table B 105.1 as
adopted by the Pechanga Building and Safety Ordinance. Provide a site map showing hydrants used in test.
Hydrant testing shall include the minimum following information:
Static pressure (maximum and minimum):
Computed flow (in gallons per minute):
Pitot Reading / Outlet Size:
The following shall be considered when evaluating the water system:
Average daily demand, or the average of the total amount of water used each day during a 1 year period. Unusual
situations that might have caused an excessive use of water, such as refilling a reservoir after cleaning, should
not be considered when this figure is determined. Peak hourly demand, or the maximum amount of water used
in any given hour of a day. The maximum daily demand can be estimated as 1.5 times the average daily
consumption if the actual maximum is not known times the normal hourly rate. Pumps that are not provided with
secondary power supplies shall not be relied upon to produce additional fire flow.
When measuring flow from a straight-straight stream fire nozzle, the use of the Pitot tube method only holds with
reasonable accuracy for tip sizes up to 1-3/8 in. (35 mm) supplied from 2-1/2 in. (64 mm) hose. Above that, the
error rate increases beyond acceptable limits, as the assumptions of uniform velocity and full flow become less
valid. An exception is the Underwriters play pipe that maintains a uniform co-efficient over a wide range of flows
and pressures for tip sizes of 1-1/8 or 1-3/4 in. (29 or 45 mm). For the most accurate readings the pitot pressure
should be at least 10 psi and the residual pressure should drop 25% or 15 psi below the static pressure. Pressure
drops less than these values induce an element of inaccuracy to the test results, and a second flow test shall be
ran as indicated above. This is required for stronger systems where the flowing of multiple hydrants cannot be
conducted due to water conservation or topographical or distribution issues that inhibit such testing. All flow
testing should be conducted in accordance with NFPA 291 within 1 year in accordance with NFPA 13.
Name of Fire Flow Test Company:
Pechanga Water Dept. Witness: