You may register several ways:
Mail completed form with money order (checks are not accepted)
(in amount of $90) to:
MCC Shah Center, Focus on the Kids
4100 W. Shamrock Ln., McHenry, IL 60050
In person, bring your completed form to MCC Shah Center where you may
pay with credit card, debit card, or money order. Checks are not accepted.
Phone with credit card or debit card information: (815) 479-7591.
Focus on the Kids Registration Form
_______________________ Birthdate _________________________
Sex: M F
Address ________________________________________________________________
City _______________________________ State________ Zip _________________
Phone Daytime ______________________ Phone Evening ___________________
Spouse’s Name/Other Parent’s Name _______________________________________
Ages of each child _________________________ Order of Protection Yes No
Restraining Order
Yes No Against _________________________________
Preferred Class Hours/Schedule:
All classes will be held at MCC Shah Center,
4100 W. Shamrock Ln., McHenry, IL 60050.
We will make every effort to accommodate your schedule request.
Please call (815) 479-7591 for current schedule dates.
Two consecutive Tuesdays, 7–9 p.m.
Saturday, 9 a.m.–1 p.m.
You will be notied by mail of your class assignment date, instructor,
and room number.
Helping Your Child Cope
This program is mandated by the 22
Judicial Circuit Court of McHenry
rev 10/2019
4100 W. Shamrock Ln.
McHenry, Illinois 60050
(815) 479-7591
Helping Your Child Cope
Co-parenting offers a variety of challenges even in the best of conditions.
Focus on the Kids offers parents the opportunity to understand the impact
divorce and separation can have on their child(ren). Parents who are more
aware of this impact are prepared to make decisions that promote the well
being of their child(ren). The program assists parents in developing solutions to
common and unique dilemmas faced by families during this process of change.
Parents will have the opportunity to learn effective ways of communicating
with each other and learn to make decisions that are in the best interests of
their child(ren).
Designed as a four-hour educational class, Focus on the Kids seeks to assist
parents in understanding and responding to the needs of their child(ren) and
to help their children in coping with their feelings.
Focus on the Kids covers:
Parents Forever
Developing a Parenting Plan
Communicating with Your Children When Parents
End Their Relationship
Communicating with the Other Parent
Helping Children Cope
Stages of Loss and Grief
How Loss Affects Child Development
Parenting Time
Emotional Games Parents and Children Play
Dealing with Anger
Note: This program is designed to offer parents the opportunity to learn
about, and discuss the effects of divorce and separation on minor children.
This class is intended to educate parents not counsel them.
The registration fee is $90 per person (materials included) and is due in full at
the time of registration. The fee is paid to McHenry County College; DO NOT
pay the Court. Personal checks are not accepted. Money order, credit card,
or debit card are accepted methods of payment.
At the time of registration, please identify your CASE NUMBER if available.
Participants attend either two two-hour classes or one four-hour class. You
may attend either two consecutive Tuesdays from 7–9 p.m. or a four-hour
Saturday class.
Participants must complete a total of four hours to receive their certicate
of completion. Latecomers will not be admitted to class. Participants must
complete the program within four months of their start date, or MCC
may require that participant pay the registration fee in full to
re-register. Here are other important details:
A $15 fee will be charged for replacement certicates.
It is court mandated that parents cannot attend the same class.
Children are not allowed in the class. Please make
childcare arrangements.
Non-English speaking parents need to provide their own interpreter.
Each reschedule will result in a $25 rescheduling fee. To reschedule,
call (815) 479-7591.
Who Must Participate?
The McHenry County Judges are concerned for the welfare of children of
divorce and separation. The class is mandated for any parent in the process
of divorce or who is involved in after-divorce proceedings in which there are
minor children involved. Parents involved in parentage actions and ordered
by the court must also attend.
All program facilitators are mental health professionals with a master’s
degree in the eld of mental health or attorneys who specialize in family law
cases. All facilitators have extensive experience in dealing with the effects of
divorce and separation on minor children.