© Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County PBIP19f 082719
Please complete the checklist below and include with the application.
Applications missing any components listed will be rejected.
Probate Cover Sheet
Is the Probate Information Cover Sheet completely filled out and is the correct Nature of Action checked?
Is the ORIGINAL WILL signed, with two (2) witnesses? ☐ Yes ☐ No
• If you do not have the signed original will, you cannot go through the Informal process. The signed
original will is needed on testate estates ONLY.
Was the ORIGINAL WILL signed on or after October 1, 2019? ☐ Yes ☐ No
• If the will was signed on or after October 1, 2019, and is not made self-proved as described in A.R.S.
§ 14-2504, are both of the witnesses disinterested (i.e., not a devisee and not related to a devisee by
blood, marriage, or adoption)?
If the answer to this question is not “yes,” the will is not valid. (See A.R.S. § 14-2505.)
Is the Application for Informal Probate completely filled out with all questions answered?
Is it signed and notarized?
Is the Date of death completed (#3 on the Application)?
Is the date of the will on the Application (#4 and #9,) the same as the date(s) on the Will?
Are the surviving spouse, surviving children, heirs, and anyone entitled to take property listed (#5 on
the Application)?
Is the “tardy” language / restrictions included on Application (if applicable) (#13)?
• Only needed if it has been more than two (2) years since the date of death.
Is the Statement completely filled out?
Is the date on the Statement (“THE PROBATE REGISTRAR FINDS: #1, and “THEREFORE”, #2) the same
as the date(s) on the Will?
Is the “tardy” language / restrictions included on Statement (if applicable) (should be manually entered
after “THEREFORE”, #4)?
Is the “tardy” language /restrictions included on the Letters of Appointment (if applicable)?
Is the Letters and Acceptance of Appointment as Personal Representative signed and notarized by the
proposed Personal Representative?