To process a Payroll Direct Deposit Setup request, the employee must do the following:
1. Provide First and Last Name
2. Provide wvOASIS Employee ID - (Can be provided by your payroll department.)
3. Provide Social Security Number
4. Complete, Sign, and Date the form.
5. Deliver the form with your account documentation to your State Agency Payroll Department for completion.
Payroll Primary Account
1. You are currently not set up for direct deposit. Please list the Financial Institution name your net
pay will be deposited each pay.
2. Indicate whether the account is checking or savings. Mark one box ONLY!
a. Checking
Attach a voided check, Financial Institution statement, or a letter from the Financial
Institution (on FI letterhead) listing the account information, printed name, and
signature of the Financial Institution representative, title and contact information.
b. Savings
Attach a Financial Institution statement or letter from the Financial Institution
(on FI letterhead) listing the account information, printed name, and signature of the
Financial Institution representative, title and contact information.
Payroll Secondary Account(s)
1. You are currently not set up for direct deposit. Please list the Financial Institution name your secondary account
will be deposited each pay.
2. Indicate whether the account is checking or savings. Mark one box ONLY!
a. Checking
Attach a voided check, Financial Institution statement, or a letter from the Financial Institution
(on FI letterhead) listing the account information, printed name, and signature of the
Financial Institution representative, title and contact information.
b. Saving
Attach a Financial Institution statement or letter from the Financial Institution (on
FI letterhead) listing the account information, printed name, and signature of the
Financial Institution representative, title and contact information.
3. Indicate the dollar amount you want to be deposited each pay. The amount must be the same for each pay.
4. More than two secondary accounts will require an additional form to be completed and