Pavilion Reservaon Form
Contact Person:
Phone #(s): (_______)-__________-____________ (________)-_________-___________
Reason for Reservaon:
Pavilion: Olive St. Tower Clark (Lake Atalanta)
Railyard (Upper Level) Railyard (Lower Level)
Date: ______ / ______ / _______ Time: _______ : _______ to _______ : _______
Rental Fee: $________._____ (received at me of reservaon)
Deposit: $75.00
Total: $________.______
Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: ______/______/_______
*If paying deposit by check, write separate from rental fee
If paying by check, how would you like the deposit returned?
Pick up the deposit check ____________
Have the deposit check mailed back ____________
Shred the deposit ____________
Any special needs or request?
Reservaon of this pavilion includes exclusive use of covered space directly under pavilion. Any
surrounding playground, restrooms, parking lot or open space will remain open to the public and is
not included in this reservaon.
INT: ____________
Rental Fees:
Olive St. & Tower
Clark & Railyard
$75.00 clean-up-deposit required for all pavilion reservaons