San Jose Clinic File # ________
Date: ___/___/___
90 E. Tasman Dr. Health Questionnaire
San Jose, CA 95134 1-408-944-6100 02/07/12
Health Questionnaire
Patient Information
Patient Title: (check one) Mr. Mrs. Ms. Miss Dr. Prof. Rev.
First Name Nickname
Last Name Middle Name Suffix
Address 1
Address 2
City State Zip Code
Primary Phone Secondary Phone
Mobile Phone _______________________________
Home email Work Email
By providing my email address, I authorize my doctor to contact me via the email address(es) provided.
Which email address would you like us to use to communicate with you? (check one) Home Work
Contact Method
(check one)
Primary Phone Secondary Phone Mobile Phone Home Email Work Email
Date of Birth Age Gender
(check one) Male Female Unspecified
Marital Status (check one) Single Married Other
Employment Status
(check one)
Employed FT Student PT Student Other Retired Self Employed
Race (check one)
White Black/African American Hispanic American Indian/Alaskan Native
Asian Asian Indian Chinese Filipino
Japanese Korean Vietnamese Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Island
Samoan Guamanian or Chamorro Other I choose not to specify
Multi-Racial (check one) Yes No Unknown
(check one) Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino I choose not to specify
Preferred Language
(check one)
English Spanish American Sign Language Chinese French German
Tagalog Vietnamese Italian Korean Russian Polish
Arabic Portuguese Japanese French Creole Greek Hindi
Persian Urdu Gujarati Armenian I choose not to specify
Verification Question
(choose only one question by circling the question, then give the answer to that question)
What is the name of your favorite pet? In what city were you born? What high school did you attend?
What is your favorite movie? What is your mother’s maiden name? On what street did you grow up?
What was the make of your first car? When is your anniversary?
Verification Answer to the Chosen question:
Answers must be at least 6 characters.
/ /
San Jose Clinic File # ________
Date: ___/___/___
90 E. Tasman Dr. Health Questionnaire
San Jose, CA 95134 1-408-944-6100 02/07/12
How Did You Hear About Us?
___A current intern. Please list the name of intern ________________________________________________________
___A current student. Please list the name of the current student ____________________________________________
___A patient. Please list the patient so that we are able to properly thank the person_____________________________
___A faculty member of Palmer West _________________________________________________________________
___A staff member of Palmer West __________________________________________________________________
___Yellow Pages [ ] Phone Book [ ] YP Online
___Internet. [ ] Google search [ ] Other, please specify:_____________________________________________
___Drove by Palmer Campus.
___Advertisement. Please specify._____________________________________________________________________
___Sporting Event. Please specify._____________________________________________________________________
___I am a prospective student visiting the campus today.
___Facebook or other social media.
___VTA Light Rail.
___Palmer Alumni. Please specify._____________________________________________________________________
___Other. Please specify_____________________________________________________________________________
Smoking History
Do you currently smoke tobacco of any kind?
Yes Former smoker Never been a smoker
If yes, how often do you smoke:
Current every day smoker
Current sometimes smoker
If yes, what is your level of interest in quitting smoking?
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
No interest Very Interested
Are you allergic to any medication(s)?
Yes No If yes, which medications?
Are you allergic to any of the following?
Bee Sting
Latex Peanuts Shellfish
Mold Pollen Wheat
Nuts Other____________
Describe the reaction
Current medications, including frequency and dosage if known. If there are no current medications, check here:
Quantity / Dosage
1 tablet / 5 mg)
(ie. 2 times / day)
Start Date
Do you currently use any recreational drugs? Yes No [ ] Check here if you take more than 6 medications
San Jose Clinic File # ________
Date: ___/___/___
90 E. Tasman Dr. Health Questionnaire
San Jose, CA 95134 1-408-944-6100 02/07/12
Social History
WORK ACTIVITY: What is your job description: ___________________________________
What do you do most of the day at work? Sitting Standing Light Labor Heavy Labor Other:________
What job did you do during most of your life?
How would you describe the physical stress level at work? Low Medium High
EDUCATION : Mark the highest level of education completed: Elementary school Middle school High School
Vocational School GED Associates Degree Bachelors Degree Graduate Degree Doctorate other
Are you on any special diet? Yes No If yes, for what reason?_________________________
Is your weight a concern for you emotionally or physically? Yes No
Have you gained or lost over 10 pounds in the past 6 months without wanting to? Yes No
My dietary intake consists mainly of the following: (Mark all that apply)
Fruits Vegetables Whole Grains High Fiber Low Fiber
High Salt Low Salt High Sugar Low Sugar Low Carbohydrate
High Fat Low Saturated Fats High Protein Low Calorie
Rate your appetite on the below scale of 1 to 10:
Normal Appetite 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Eat Nothing
How many 8 ounce glasses of water do you drink a day? _____
Alcohol Use: Now? Yes No Amount/Weekly____ How long? _____ Years/Months
In the past? Yes No Amount/Weekly____ How long? _____ Years/Months
How many coffee caffeine drinks do you drink a day? Cups ____ None ____
How many soda caffeine drinks do you drink a day? Cans ____ None ____
Current Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs, etc. List ANY/ALL non-prescription items you are CURRENTLY taking.
Quantity / Dosage
1 tablet / 5 mg)
(ie. 2 times / day)
Start Date
Health Review:
How many hours of sleep are you getting per night? Less than 5 6-8 8-10 10 or more hours
How would you rate your sleep on the following scale?
Wake-up Fully Rested 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 No/Poor Sleep
How many days a week do you exercise for 30 minutes or more? 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7
How would you rate the intensity of your exercise?
High Intensity 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 No Exercise
How would you rate your physical stress level? No stress 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Very stressed
How would you rate your emotional stress level? No stress 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Very stressed
List your major stressors: __________________________________________________________________________
What are you health goals? _________________________________________________________________________
In addition, talk to your doctor about other areas which may be affecting your health-such as worries about finances,
social support, and alcohol, tobacco and/or drug use.
San Jose Clinic File # ________
Date: ___/___/___
90 E. Tasman Dr. Health Questionnaire
San Jose, CA 95134 1-408-944-6100 02/07/12
Personal Health History
Are your currently under the care of a Healthcare Provider or any other doctor?
If yes, for what condition(s)_________________________________________________________________________
Provider’s Name ________________________________________ Phone Number_______________________________
Has any doctor diagnosed you with Hypertension recently? Yes No
If yes, describe: _________________________________________________________________________________
Has any doctor diagnosed you with Diabetes recently? Yes No
If yes, was your blood lab-work test for hemoglobin A1c >9.0% Yes No Not Sure
If yes, other comments regarding Diabetes: ___________________________________________________________
Have you had an X-ray or CT scan or MRI of your low back spine in the past 28 days?
Do you wear any of the following? Heel Lifts Innersoles Arch Supports Orthotics Other____________
For how long? ________________________________________ Were they prescribed by a doctor? Yes No
Have you seen a chiropractor in the past? Yes No Date of last visit______________
If yes, name and location of previous Chiropractor___________________________ Phone Number_________________
Were you satisfied with your care? Yes No Why? ________________________________________________
Date of last:
Chiropractic Exam
Pap Smear
Spinal X-ray
Stool check for blood
Childhood Illnesses:
ADD depression psoriasis
atopic dermatitis diabetes rash
allergies/hayfever ear infections scoliosis
anemia fetal drug exposure seizures
asthma headaches
sickle cell
bedwetting hepatitis
spina bifida
cerebral palsy HIV other:
chicken pox measles
crohn’s/colitis mumps
All recommended vaccines Not vaccinated
adenovirus DTaP(diphtheria,tetanus,pertussis)
haemophilus B hepatitis B
influenza IPV(polio)
measles,mumps, rubella)
pneumococcal rotavirus
tetanus varivax(
chicken pox)
Adult Illnesses:
ADD CVA(stroke) heart disease Parkinson Disease suicide
Alzheimer’s chicken pox hepatitis unspecified pleural effusion attempt(s)
arthritis cystic kidney disease HIV pneumonia thyroid
asthma depression high blood pressure psoriasis problems
cancer diabetes influenza pneumonia psychiatric condition vertigo
cerebral palsy
eczema liver disease scoliosis Other:______
chicken pox emphysema lung disease seizures ___________
colitis eye problems lupus erythema shingles
CRPS(RSD) fibromyalgia multiple sclerosis STD’s (unspecified)
Injuries: (List date next to injury)
back injury fracture laceration (severe)
broken bones head injury motor vehicle accident
disability (ies) industrial accident soft tissue injury
fall (severe) joint injury Other:______________
San Jose Clinic File # ________
Date: ___/___/___
90 E. Tasman Dr. Health Questionnaire
San Jose, CA 95134 1-408-944-6100 02/07/12
(e.g. knee repair)
In Patient/Out Patient
In Patient/Out Patient
In Patient/Out Patient
In Patient/Out Patient
In Patient/Out Patient
Review of Systems
Please indicate if you have any of the following by checking the box.
None daytime drowsiness fever night sweats
chills fatigue loss of appetite weight gain / loss
wears contacts/glasses
blindness double vision photophobia
blind spots eye problems tearing
Ears, Nose &
None fainting history of head injury runny nose
dizziness frequent sore throats loss of sense of smell sinus infection
ear discharge headaches nosebleeds
ear pain hearing loss nasal congestion
None cough shortness of breath wheezing
asthma coughing up blood sputum production
high blood pressure
paroxysmal nocturnal
varicose veins
claudication low blood pressure dyspnea
(leg pain and ache) orthopnea(difficulty shortness of breath
heart problem
breathing lying down) with exertion
heart murmur palpitations ulcers
difficulty swallowing
abdominal pain black/tarry stool heartburn ulcers
abnormal stool constipation hemorrhoids rectal bleeding
diarrhea indigestion
None/Not birth control frequent urination vaginal discharge
Applicable breast lump/pain hormone therapy
abnormal vaginal burning urination irregular menstruation
Bleeding cramps urine retention
I … am currently pregnant am NOT currently pregnant
I …
currently have menses currently DO NOT have menses
My menses are regular are NOT regular
______age of first menses ______age when menopause began
Date of last menstrual period ____/____/____
If you have been pregnant in the past, please fill in the appropriate information below.
______Number of complicated pregnancies ______Number of uncomplicated pregnancies
______Number of C-sections ______Number of vaginal deliveries
______Number of miscarriages ______Number of terminated pregnancies
Do you have any concerns about your sexual health?
Yes No
Are you or have you ever been a victim of domestic or sexual abuse?
None/Not burning urination frequent urination prostate problems
Applicable erectile dysfunction hesitancy/dribbling urine retention
Do you have any concerns about your sexual health?
Yes No
Are you or have you ever been a victim of domestic or sexual abuse?
Yes No
San Jose Clinic File # ________
Date: ___/___/___
90 E. Tasman Dr. Health Questionnaire
San Jose, CA 95134 1-408-944-6100 02/07/12
None excessive appetite goiter unusual hair growth
cold intolerance excessive hunger hair loss voice changes
excessive thirst
heat intolerance
None change in skin color history of skin disorders rash
change in nail hair loss itching skin lesions/ulcers
texture hives numbness varicosities
None limb weakness seizures stroke
dizziness loss of consciousness sleeps disturbance unsteadiness of gait/loss
facial weakness loss of memory slurred speech of balance
headache numbness stress
bi-polar disorder
memory loss
anxiety confusion insomnia mood change
change convulsions loss or change of appetite
blood transfusion
blood clotting
bruising easily
lymph node swelling
Family History
Age (now
or at death)
Serious illness/cause of death
alive deceased
no significant disease
Paternal grandfather
alive deceased
no significant disease
Paternal grandmother
alive deceased
no significant disease
alive deceased
no significant disease
Maternal grandfather
alive deceased
no significant disease
alive deceased
no significant disease
alive deceased
no significant disease
alive deceased
no significant disease
alive deceased
no significant disease
alive deceased
no significant disease
San Jose Clinic File # ________
Date: ___/___/___
90 E. Tasman Dr. Health Questionnaire
San Jose, CA 95134 1-408-944-6100 02/07/12
Patient Condition
Reason(s) for visit:__________________________________________________________________________
Is this condition due to an accident?
Yes No Auto Work Home Other Date___________
What was the mechanism of accident/injury?_____________________________________________________
When did your symptoms appear?_____________________ Is this condition getting worse?
Yes No
How often do you have this problem? __________________ Is it constant or does it come and go?______
Does it interfere with your:
Work Sleep Daily Routine Recreation
Activities or movements that are difficult / painful to perform:
Sitting Standing Walking Bending Lying Down
Circle your pain on the below scale of 0 to 10:
(at rest) No Pain 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Extreme Pain
(with activity) No Pain
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Extreme Pain
What treatment have you already received for your condition?
Medications Surgery None Physical Therapy Chiropractic Care
Name of other doctor(s) who have treated you for this condition__________________________________________
Were you satisfied with the results of your treatment? Yes No Explain__________________________
Mark an “X” on the picture where you continue to have pain, numbness or tingling.
While we will work closely with you to resolve your chief complaint, as health professionals we are also concerned about
your overall wellness. On future visits we will discuss issues with you that may impact your overall health.
All the answers I have given are correct to the best of my knowledge, and I agree to continue with my Chiropractic
evaluation at the Palmer Clinics at this time.
Patient Signature Date
Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian Relationship