Goal(s): The purpose of these awards is to recognize the employees at PCC who go above
and beyond their normal job description to serve our college and students. The hope is that
these awards will increase awareness of the academic and professional matters, which the
Senate works on each year, and engage more people in the shared governance process.
Who is eligible? Faculty, Classified staff, & managers who are working individually, in teams,
within their department or program and have demonstrated excellence in one of the “10 (+1)”
academic and professional matters:
1. Curriculum including establishing prerequisites and placing courses within disciplines
2. Degree and certificate requirements
3. Grading policies
4. Education program development
5. Standards or policies regarding student preparation and success
6. District and college governance structures, as related to faculty roles
7. Faculty roles and involvement in accreditation
8. Policies for faculty professional development activities
9. Processes for program review
10. Processes for institutional planning and budget development
(+1) Other academic and professional matters as mutually agreed upon between the
governing board and the academic senate
Faculty can only nominate their colleagues and the recipients will be honored at the
Academic Senate banquet in spring. Nominations can occur throughout the year, but final
submission must be at least 2 weeks before the banquet. Indicate the following on the form:
• Your name
• Nominee and their job title
• Which of the 10+1 they are being nominated for
• A paragraph explaining what the nominee has done and why he/she should be considered
for this award.
Sample criteria for nomination:
• A department that created a new degree or certificate
• A faculty member who created a professional development opportunity for others
• A committee or task force that achieved a major goal or implemented a significant plan
• An excellent policy proposal or recommendation that was approved by the Senate
Your Name:
Nominee and their job title:
Which of the 10+1 they are being nominated for: _______________________________________
What has the nominee done to be considered for this award?
Your Nam
Nominee and their job title:
Which of the 10+1 they are being nominated for:
What has the nominee done to be considered for this award?
Some specific examples from Mt. SAC (Including some of these, but not all, might be
1. Curriculum including establishing prerequisites and placing courses into disciplines
Rasool Masoomian (Business Administration) for writing an exemplary prerequisite
content review that has become a model shown to other faculty
2. Degree and certificate requirements
Ignacio Sardinas (Architecture) for writing or revising six different degrees and
certificates and revamping department course numbering
Environmental Studies Degree Task Force for developing an innovative new degree
(Chair, James Stone)
3. Grading policies
<No award for 2015>
4. Education program development
Agricultural Sciences department for engaging in a comprehensive review and revision
of their master plan that will revamp the program to serve students better (Chair, Brian
5. Standards or policies regarding student preparation and success
Reading faculty and SSSP Advisory Committee for reviewing the reading competency
requirements and making changes through the shared governance process (Chairs,
Michelle Sampat, Michelle Dougherty, Jim Ocampo)
Counseling department for substantial contributions to the Student Success and
Support Program Plan (Chair, Wanda Fullbright-Dennis)
6. District and college governance structures, as related to faculty roles
Ralph Eastman (Theater) for active involvement in Academic Senate and college
committees while representing a small department
Dana Miho (ESL) for charting and defining the role of full-time faculty in Continuing
Education at Mt. San Antonio College
7. Faculty roles and involvement in accreditation
Eric Kaljumagi (Learning Assistance) and LeAnn Garrett (Library) for participating on
two accreditation writing teams, including serving as chairperson of one of the teams
8. Policies for faculty professional development activities
Stacey Gutierrez for providing consistent, strong support through Professional and
Organizational Development for faculty Flex Day activities
9. Processes for program review
Kate Morales (Information Technology), Don Sciore (Arts Division), and Meghan
Chen (Library & Learning Resources Division) for seamlessly integrating TracDat
reports with PIE forms
10. Processes for institutional planning and budget development
Emily Woolery (Library) and the Outcomes Committee for creating Institutional Level
Outcomes and a mapping process for them