Part II — Application Form
Project Title: ______________________________________________________________________
Project Leader: ____________________________________________________________________
Daytime Phone No. ________________________ Evening Phone No. ________________________
MCCC Division/Department: _________________________________________________________
Total Enhancement Grant Funding Requested (Range: $250-$3,000) _________________________
Will you accept partial funding? Yes No
Estimated Total Project Cost:
Has this project received funding through the college budget or other internal sources in the past?
Yes No
Are other funding sources currently available to this project? Yes No
Have you previously received Enhacement Grants Program funding? Yes No
Estimated Duration of Project: (dates) From ______________________ To ___________________
Estimated Number of Persons Beneted by the Project: ____________________________________
If you are requesting grant funds for a eld trip or club activity, how many
students/faculty will participate: ______________________________________________________
Primary Funding Category (Select only one)
Community Engagement Campus Innovation Educational Enrichment
This section is to be completed by the review committee.
Received on: _____/_____/_____ Project to be funded: □ Yes □ No
Assigned Project Number: ________________
Amount to be funded: $_______________
Reviewed by committee on: _____/_____/_____
Enhancement Grants Program