d. Does this case involve a cost sharing issue?
e. Is this case an auto forward?
f. Is this a prior authorization appeal?
Part D Drug QIC Case File Transmittal Form
Part D QIC Drug Appeal Case File Transmittal Form
1. Appeal Information:
(Check one for each line.)
a. Priority:
Expedited Standard
b. Appea
l Type:
Prospective Retrospective
c. Applicable Coverage Year(s): _______________________
Yes No
Yes No
2. Enrollee Data:
Enrollee Name:
Enrollee (HICN) or Enrollee (MBI):
Enrollee Street:
_______________________ Enrollee Phone:
Enrollee City: State: Zip:
Enrollee Date of Birth:
Is the Enrollee Deceased? Yes No
Does the Enrollee Require the final determination notice in a language other than English?
Yes Language needed:
_________________________ ___________ _______________
Does the Enrollee require communication be made in any alternate format?
Yes Specify format:
Large print (if other than 18 point font, indicate size below) Audio CD Braille Qualified Reader
Other (specify type of format or font)
3. Requestor Data:
Enrollee is requestor Enrollee’s treating physician
Enrollee’s estate, Is estate documentation in file? Yes No
Representative, Is an AOR or Power of Attorney in file? Yes No
Surrogate acting in accordance with state law Yes No
Plan Attestation for Representative Appeals:
I attest on behalf of the Part D Plan sponsor that the above referenced representative appealed at the Plan level and is a
valid representative of the enrollee under State law.
Signed:_________________________________________ Print Name: _____________________________________
Requested appeal at Coverage Determination
Requested appeal at Redetermination
Name of Requestor: ___________________________ Company Name: _______________________
Phone: ____________________ Fax: ____________________ Email: ____________________
Street: ______________________________City: _________________________State: ______ Zip: __________
4. Medicare Health Plan Data:
Plan Type:
PDP (S#) MA PD (H or R#) MMP (H# or R#) Cost Employer Sponsored (E#)
Plan Contract #: ___ Enter 4-digit CMS Plan #: _________ Plan ID #: _____ Formulary Name/Formulary ID #: _______
Plan Contact Representative Name and Title:
Contact Phone: ___________________ Fax: _______________ Email: ___________________
Contact Address: ______________________ City: ___________________ State: ___________ Zip: _________
1. If yes, Has the plan chosen to waive or relax PA requirements due to COVID-19? Yes
to COVID-19, the plan must submit any prior
authorization flexibilities and the applicable timeframes the plan may have used in their coverage review.
2. If the plan has chosen to waive or relax PA requirement due
1. Is this auto-forward in relation to an at-risk determination?
Yes No
Yes No
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