105 Garfield Avenue | Eau Claire, WI 54702-4004 | uwec.edu
Parking and Transportation Appeal Form
Before completing this form, please read the following:
1) You have 10 days from the date of the citation to file an appeal. Late appeals will not be accepted.
Appellant Name Blugold ID#
Ticket #
Appellant Address City State Zip code
Telephone # Email Address
Appellant Name
Appellant Statement
Nature of Appeal In the space below, state with clarity the reason(s) why you believe this citation was issued in error or
why you should be excused from responsibility for payment of this citation.
idence of a medical emergency or mechanical failure of a vehicle must be included with this form if such
information is the basis for your appeal.)
Blugold Central
Parking and Transportation Services
Vicki Lord Larson Hall 1108
blugoldcentral@uwec.edu | uwec.edu/parking
715-836-3000 | 715-836-5816 fax
Appeals will be reviewed monthly.
Results will be emailed to address below or, if no email is provided, results will be mailed to mailing address listed below.
Appeals for the following circumstances are not considered valid and will not be accepted.
Not aware of parking regulations
Failure to notice parking signs or line markings
Arriving at your vehicle within minutes of the meter expiring
Parking only for a short period of time
Time constraints-activity took longer than anticipated or needing to get to class/work/appointment on time
Wanting to park closer to destination
Classes were not in session