UCard, Access and Parking Services Parking Decal Refund Form
Mailing: 1 University Avenue Office Location: South Dining Hall, 883 Broadway Street
Lowell, MA 01854
Step 1: Requesting Person and Decal(s) Information:
Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ___________________________
University ID Number: ________________________________ Phone Number: ___________________
Decal #’s Returned (must be included with this form):
______________________________ , ______________________________ , ______________________________
Reason for Return: __________________________________________________________________________________
Step 2: Original Purchase Method (check one and supply all information):
[ ] I purchased my decal on MyParking.uml.edu – original credit card will be credited if refund is processed within
6 months. If refund is processed after 6 months of purchase, a refund check will be issued within 2-4 weeks:
Card Holder Name: ______________________________________________________________
Mailing Address: ________________________________________________________________
[ ] I purchased my decal in-person at the UCAPS Office – a refund check will be issued within 2-4 weeks:
Mailing Address: ________________________________________________________________
Refund Schedule:
100% refund of decal’s full value if returning an intact permit within 10 business days of issue.
100% refund of decal’s full value if post-marked or returned before 5 p.m. on the last day of fall Add/Drop period*.
75% refund of decal’s full value if post-marked or returned after fall Add/Drop period* and before 5 p.m. on the last business day of
50% refund of the decal’s full value if post-marked or returned after November 1 and before 5 p.m. on the last day of spring Add/Drop
25% refund of the decal’s full value if post-marked or returned after spring Add/Drop period* and before 5 p.m. on the last business
day of March.
No refund if returned on or after April 1.
* As defined by the Registrar’s Office – see www.uml.edu/registrar for calendars.
Office Use Only:
Collected By: _______________ Collected Date: _________ Speed Type: 111191
Approved/Denied By: _______________ Approved/Denied Date: _________ Refund Approved: [ ] Yes [ ] No
Approval/Denial Reason: [ ] Returned within 14 days [ ] Withdrawn/Discontinued/Transferred [ ] Graduated
[ ] Decal not included [ ] Other: _________________________________________
Refund Amount: $____________________ Authorized Signature: ________________________________________