South Puget Sound Community College
Campus Security
2011 Mottman Rd. SW Olympia, WA 98512
Directions: Read guidelines, reverse. Read front and fill out all requested information. Appeals must be received at the Security
Office within 5 days of issuance of ticket to be considered (WAC 132X-50-180).
ease print neatly and fill in all requested information:
Full Name:______________________________________________ SID#_________________________
Address: _______________________________________________ Fac/Staff Student
y/St/Zip:______________________________________________ Ph:__________________________
E-mail: _________________________________________________
Please copy the following information from your citation(s):
(Please see reverse for guidelines)
Signature & Today’s Date
click to sign
click to edit
What makes for an effective appeal:
How To Write An Effective Appeal:
The rules of parking are designed to make parking as fair and easy as possible for everyone.
This means that sometimes you may not be able to park where you would like to! SPSCC
Parking Regulations are strictly enforced. Appeals to parking tickets may only be appealed if you
can explain and verify an extenuating circumstance, or if you can cite an enforcement error.
Most other appeals are likely to be denied.
Keep it brief and to the point.
Address the issue of the citation…don’t bring up tangential matters.
Avoid the temptation to editorialize. We are aware that convenient parking is scarce.
Write neatly, and be sure to provide all the information requested.
Familiarize yourself with the Parking regulations so you know what you are contesting.
SPSCC parking regulations can be found in WAC 132X-50
Abusive, abrasive, sarcastic or profane language will not help your appeal in any way.
What WON’T get accepted:
Deniable appeals are those that in one way or another request an exemption to the Parking
Rules & Regulations. People who attempt exemptions to the rules compromise the fairness to
the people who park properly. Therefore, appeals of this type are bound to be denied. Examples
of appeals that are NEVER accepted include any variation of the following excuses:
“I was only there for one (two, five, ten…) minutes.”
“There were other cars that did the same thing and they didn’t get a ticket.”
“I’ve parked there before and never received a ticket.”
“I thought it was a space.”
“There is no sign that says I cant park there.”
“I paid for the parking permit, I just never (came and got it / put it on my car).”
“I was late.”
“I didn’t have the right change to purchase a daily parking pass.”
“I had to drop off a paper.”
“I had to run to my office.”
“I was going to come out sooner, but I got busy.”
“I don’t usually park on campus.”
Submit this appeal with your ticket attached within five days of ticket’s issuance.
Please do not write below this line.
Citation #_______Accepted______ Denied_____ Reduced____ Ref. Let. ____ By_______________________
Citation #_______Accepted______ Denied_____ Reduced____ Ref. Let. ____ By_______________________
Citation #_______Accepted______ Denied_____ Reduced____ Ref. Let. ____ By_______________________
Additional comments:_________________________________________