Paramedic Fire Science AAS Degree
Admission and Program Requirements
2. Complete the Century College Paramedic Fire Science Special Application and Program Readiness
Determination Form checklist and send to or by mailing to Century College,
Paramedic Program, 3300 Century Avenue North, White Bear Lake, MN 55110.
Deadlines for Application and selection process -
The Program has an application deadline determined
on a semester-by-semester basis. Consult the Program for this deadline. Once all required
documentation is received, your application file will be considered complete. Selection is made on
a first come/first served basis. Please be aware that this program has a limited enrollment. If the class
size limit is met before your file is complete, you will be placed on a wait list and your application will be
deferred until the next available start date.
3. Request official transcripts from high school and all college courses and vocational schoolwork
previously completed. Transcripts should be sent directly from the previous institution to the Century
College Transfer Student Services/DARS office. Please call 651.779.3908 with questions.
4. A letter of acceptance and registration form will be sent to admitted applicants. Please follow the special
directions in the acceptance letter for registering due to exceeding 18 credits per semester.
5. The purchase of a tablet device (9.5 x 7.5), by the student is required for the Program to support the use
of electronic textbooks, medical applications, and clinical materials.
6. Access to structural firefighting gear (including self-contained breathing apparatus) or rental is required.
See page at the end of this booklet.
Background Study:
Students must successfully pass the MN Human Services Department and Federal background studies with
no restrictions, to be eligible to participate in required clinical/field experiences. Background checks will be
processed during the semester.
Social Security Notice:
Century College uses Social Security Numbers for student identification purposes on student records.
Providing your Social Security number is voluntary. However, if you do not provide your Social Security
Number, you may not be considered eligible for Education Tax Credits (Hope and Lifetime Learning
Scholarships). If you do not provide this number, your petition will still be processed. This data is
requested for purposes of administration, program evaluation and consumer data. Your number also may
be used to create summary information about Minnesota State Colleges and Universities programs through
data matches with other state agencies.
Data Privacy Notice:
The college is asking you to provide information that includes private and/or confidential information under
state and federal law. You are not legally required to provide the information the college is requesting;
however, the college may not be able to effectively process your application if you do not provide sufficient
information. With some exceptions, unless you consent to further release of private information, access to
this information will be limited to school officials, including faculty who have legitimate educational
interests in the information. Under certain circumstances, federal and state laws authorize release of private
information without your consent: (1) to other schools in which you seek to enroll, or are enrolled, if you are
first notified of the release; (2) to federal, state and local officials for purposes of program compliance, audit
or evaluation; (3) as appropriate in connection with your application for, or receipt of, financial aid; (4) to
your parents, if your parents claim you as a dependent student for tax purposes; (5) if the information is
sought with a subpoena, to an organization engaged educational research or accrediting agency. Minnesota
State Colleges and Universities abide by the provision of Title IX and other federal and state laws forbidding