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3. During the sport season, how many hours a week does the athlete train?
Less than 4 to 9 10 to 15 16 to 20 21+
4 hours hours hours hours hours
3.1. Main sport
3.2. Secondary sport
3.3. Other, specify
4. How many months of the year does the athlete train?
Less than 4 to 5 6 to 7 8 to 9 10+
4 month months months months months
4.1. Main sport
4.2. Secondary sport
4.3. Other, specify
Note/Instructions: Included in this section are questions/items designed to determine the
effects of an athlete’s intellectual impairment on his/her main sport. To ensure an accurate
profile, it is essential that each question/item be considered in relation to the athlete’s overall
training history, for as long as you have worked with the athlete—not just their present
level in sport development.
For each question, please indicate whether the item is an ongoing concern, a past concern, or
never a concern (by checking the appropriate ). If an item does not apply to the athlete’s
sport, please check the “does not apply to the sport” box ().
5. Does the athlete have difficulty learning skills required for his/her sport?
Ongoing Past Never a Does not
concern concern concern apply to
the sport
5.1. Physical skills
5.2. Movement sequencing
& planning skills (i.e., skills that
must be completed in a
particular order, which required
coordination and planning)
5.3. Technical skills of the sport
(e.g., throwing technique)
5.4. Strategies of the sport
(e.g., run pacing)
5.5. Rules of the sport