Do you know an eager, earnest, effective, efficient, encouraging enthusiastic paraeducator-
teacher team who every day endeavors to enrich their students’ lives? Please complete this brief
form and nominate this exceptional team for a Paraeducator/Teacher Instructional Team of the
Year Award. Please complete and return by December 15, 2017.
Name of paraeducator/teacher team
Where employed (district) School
Work address Work phone
Number of years employed as a paraeducator/teacher team
Number, type, and age of students/clients served
Nominator’s name/address/phone/email
On the back write a short paragraph telling how this paraeducator/teacher team demonstrates a
positive, effective working relationship considering such qualities as:
• Communication skills
• Respect for each other and their students
• Shared educational philosophies in students’ learning abilities and goals
• Understanding of the team’s roles and expectations
What makes this team special? What differentiates this team from other teams?
• How does this team contribute to the school/work environment during the work day and
• How does this team affect the lives of their students?
Include statements of support from students, parents, teachers, administrators, and/or peers.
One team will be selected from each region. Awardees will be recognized at the Montana
Council for Exceptional Children Conference, March 1, 2018 in Missoula, Montana.
Submit to: Debra Miller Region III CSPD MSUB/MCIE 1500 University Drive Billings,
MT 59101 Fax: (406) 657-2313 Phone: (406) 657-2072
*Paraeducator refers to “paras” working in the school setting in areas such as special education, resource, Title 1,
occupational and physical therapy, speech/language, busing, cafeteria, playground, library and school health room.
*Paraeducator/Teacher Team should include at least one paraeducator and at least one certified staff member.