Arkansas Community Colleges
2017 Academic All-Star
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Application (to be completed by the student)
(Please print your name as you would like it to appear in the conference program.)
Mailing Address____________________________________________________________________
City State Zip Code
Daytime Phone Date of Birth_________________________________
Name of College: SEARK College
What is your college major / course of study? (You may indicate more than one.)
Which degree(s) do you expect to receive?
Associate of Arts Associate of Science Associate of Applied Science
What is your cumulative GPA?
How many credit hours do you expect to complete by June 1, 2019? ____________________________
On what date do you expect to graduate from SEARK?
After graduating from SEARK, do you plan to attend a four-year institution? Yes No
(If yes, name institution and term you plan to enroll.)
(If yes, what is your ultimate degree objective?)
Baccalaureate Master Doctoral
Describe your long-range goals and career ambitions.
Arkansas Community Colleges
Academic All-Star