University of the District of Columbia
Office of Sponsored Programs Proposal Routing Form
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Proposal No. Document Type Agency Type
Proposal Purpose Proposal Status CFDA No.
Sponsoring Agency Sponsor's Deadline
Project Title
Principal Investigator(s)
Total project cost requested $
Indirect Cost: $
On Campus Rate = 48% Off Campus Rate = 26%
Other Rate: %
If other rate, please explain
No cost share/matching required
Cost share/Matching required
In-Kind:$ Cash:$
If cost share/matching is required, please complete the COST SHARE/MATCHING AUTHORIZATION FORM and provide a copy
or website URL of the sponsor's guideline for cost sharing
Principal Investigator/Project Director's Statement
Yes No
1. Does the Proposal Involve Human Subject? If Yes, attach IRB Approval or Explain
2. Does the Proposal Involve DNA Techniques, Radioactive or hazardous materials or infectious agents, hazardous chemical waste? if
yes, send copy of abstract to the University Wide Safety Committee
3. Is adequate space already assigned for the proposed program? if no, submit explanation to the Chairperson/Dean
4. Does the project provide for new academic degree program and or new courses?
5. Has faculty signed a University patent agreement? If no or uncertain, contact the Director of OSP
6. Is any proposed personnel presently debarred, suspended or proposed for debarment by any federal agency? If yes, proposal should
contain explanation for each such person
7. Will project require as a condition of acceptance that the University absorb the services should project fund be reduced or terminated?
If yes, please explain so that approval may be obtained in advance
8. Is there any out year commitment required or expected?
9. Is this a Public Health Services (PHS) Grant? If yes, attach "FCOI FORM"
Yr.2$ Yr.3:$ Yr.4$ Yr.5$
Department School/Division Phone
Consultant/Sub-Award/Subcontract Amount on the proposal
Proposed Start
Proposed End
To prevent a delay in processing, all items requiring a routing form (proposals, agreements, contracts, MOUs, etc.) must be submitted to OSP first.