1. Protection of Significant Trees and Shrubs: Significant trees and shrubs identified as
meeting the criteria in Section B shall be retained whenever practicable. Preservation may
become impracticable when it would prevent reasonable development of public streets,
utilities, or land uses permitted by the applicable zone.
2. Conservation Easements and Dedications: When necessary to implement the
Comprehensive Plan, the City may require dedication of land or recordation of a conservation
easement to protect sensitive lands, including groves of significant trees.
E. Construction. All areas of significant vegetation shall be protected prior to, during, and after
construction. Grading and operation of vehicles and heavy equipment is prohibited within
significant vegetation areas, except as approved by the City for installation of utilities or streets.
Such approval shall only be granted after finding that there is no other reasonable alternative to
avoid the protected area.
F. Exemptions. The protection standards in Section D shall not apply in the following situations:
1. Dead, Diseased, and/or Hazardous Vegetation: Vegetation that is dead or diseased, or
poses a hazard to personal safety, property, or the health of other trees, may be removed.
Prior to tree removal, the applicant shall provide a report from a certified arborist or other
qualified professional to determine whether the subject tree is diseased or poses a hazard, and
any possible treatment to avoid removal, except as provided by subsection 2, below.
2. Emergencies: Significant vegetation may be removed in the event of an emergency without
land use approval, when the vegetation poses an immediate threat to life or safety, as
determined by the Planning Director. The Planning Director shall prepare a notice or letter of
decision within fourteen (14) days of the tree(s) being removed. The decision letter or notice
shall explain the nature of the emergency and be on file and available for public review at
City Hall.
16.12.050 Street Trees
. Requirements for street tree planting strips are provided in Public Facilities
Standards, Section 16.12.060. Planting of unimproved streets shall be deferred until the construction
of curbs and sidewalks. Street trees shall conform to the following standards and guidelines:
1. Growth Characteristics: Trees shall be selected based on growth characteristics and site
conditions, including available space, overhead clearance, soil conditions, drought tolerance
exposure, and desired color and appearance. The following should guide tree selection:
a. Provide a broad canopy where shade is desired.
b. Use low-growing trees for spaces under utility wires.
c. Select trees which can be “limbed-up” where vision clearance is a concern.
d. Use narrow or “columnar” trees where awnings or other building features limit growth, or
where greater visibility is desired between buildings and the street.
e. Use species with similar growth characteristics on the same block for design continuity.
f. Avoid using trees that are susceptible to insect damage, and avoid using trees that produce
excessive seeds or fruit.
g. Select trees that are well-adapted to the environment, including soil, wind, sun exposure, and
exhaust. Drought-resistant trees should be used in areas with sandy or rocky soil or areas
without irrigation.
h. Select trees for their seasonal color, as desired.
i. Use deciduous trees for summer shade and winter sun.
2. Caliper Size: The minimum caliper size at planting shall be (two) 2 inches, based on the
American Association of Nurserymen Standards.
3. Spacing and Location: Street trees shall be planted within existing and proposed planting strips,
and in sidewalk tree wells on streets without planting strips. Street tree spacing shall be based
upon the type of tree(s) selected and the canopy size at maturity. In general, trees shall be spaced
no more than thirty (30) feet apart, except where planting a tree would conflict with existing trees,
retaining walls, utilities, and similar physical barriers.
4. Soil Preparation, Planting and Care: The developer shall be responsible for planting street
trees, including soil preparation, ground cover material, staking, and temporary irrigation after