375 W Sahuarita Center Way, Sahuarita, AZ 85629
Fax: 520.822.8820 / Email:
Town Use:
Date Received:
Assigned To:
Time to Complete Request:
Date Completed:
I, the undersigned, hereby request (Check appropriate box):
Request Date:
Paper Copies
Electronic Copies:
In Person Review
of the following public records (please be specific and name the subject matter, dates, address and the types of documents
Request Purpose
*Complete a Statement of Commercial Purpose Pricing Computation Worksheet and Statement of Commercial Purpose below
A Commercial Purpose means that the requestor intends to use the records, directly or indirectly, to receive monetary gain, such
as by selling all or parts of the records, or by using the names, addresses, and phone numbers in the records for solicitation.
*Statement of Commercial Purpose:
Please note the following:
Receipt of your request will be confirmed via email and processed in the order received. Various factors affect processing
time, including the request size and complexity, and nature of the request. Due to these factors we cannot guarantee a
completion date. We will contact you once the request is complete.
Fees may be assessed pursuant to state law (A.R.S. § 39-121.01 (D) and § 39-121.03) and town code (3.10.130
Administrative Fees).
Pursuant to 17 U.S. Code §107, certain uses of copyrighted material for purposes of research is not an infringement of
copyright. However, if a user uses any copyrighted reproduction for purposes in excess of fair use the user may be liable
for copyright infringement and subject to claims of copyright infringement. The Town of Sahuarita does not indemnify,
nor hold harmless, users of material produced in response to a public records request, nor grant exclusive rights with
respect to such material.
Contact phone:
Email address:
click to sign
click to edit
The Town is required by law to make all records, except confidential records and those protected from disclosure, available
to the public (A.R.S. § 39-121) while safeguarding confidential and personal identifying information. As part of the overall
Town of Sahuarita Strategic Plan, our goal is to create a culture of continuous improvement. In an effort to improve service
to our constituents, we are continually implementing organizational best practices, as such this form may be used to help
facilitate the public records request process.
Public records requests should be submitted in writing to avoid confusion regarding the records being requested.
Requests must describe the record(s) requested in sufficient detail and specificity to allow the record to be located with a
reasonable amount of diligence. Please include the following information in your request:
A clear and specific description of the information you are requesting including dates, subjects, titles, addresses,
employees or departments of the documents requested.
Contact information including name, address, contact phone number and email.
Public Record Request Notes
Staff is unable to provide legal advice.
Staff is unable to guarantee when a records request will be completed.
Multiple requests from the same requestor will be processed in the order received.
Applicable fees for the production of records in response to a public records request will be charged in accordance
with state law and town code.
Public records requests are not confidential and information regarding the requests, including requestor
information, records requested, and time and cost to fulfill the request may be requested or published.
Commercial Purpose Records Request
A commercial purpose means the use of a public record for the purpose of sale or resale or for the purpose of producing
a document containing all or part of the copy, printout or photograph for sale or the obtaining of names and addresses
from public records for the purpose of solicitation or for any purpose in which the purchaser can reasonably anticipate
the receipt of monetary gain from the direct or indirect use of the public record.
Commercial purpose does not mean the use of a public record as evidence or as research for evidence in an action by any
judicial or quasi-judicial body.
Charges for a commercial request shall include:
1. A portion of the cost to the Town for obtaining the original or copies of the documents, printouts or photographs.
2. A reasonable fee for the cost of time, materials, equipment and personnel in producing such reproduction.
3. The value of the reproduction on the commercial market as best determined by the public body.
In order to help determine the value of the reproduction on the commercial market, individuals requesting records for a
commercial purpose must complete a Statement of Commercial Purpose Pricing Computation Worksheet which may be
obtained from the Town Clerk department by calling 520.822.8803 or emailing