Project Narrative: Provide three (3) copies. The narrative should provide a brief and thorough description of the project. If the
applicant is requesting any deviations or modifications, as part of the narrative the applicant must itemize the requested
deviations and provide justification for each of the requested deviations.
Site Plans: Please provide three (3) copies. The applicant shall submit a dimensioned plan drawn at a scale of 1” = 20' (or other
scale approved by the Development Services Division). The site plan shall include a scale, date, north arrow, source of information
and contain the following items:
Location of existing and/or proposed building(s).
Property Lines.
Abutting street or access.
Identify the toe and/or top of ravines, sidewalls, or bluffs.
Identify steep slopes by the categories established in the City's Critical Area Regulations.
Identify all wetlands; show the wetland boundary and corresponding buffer.
Identify all streams; illustrate the ordinary high water mark and corresponding buffer.
Identify all other water bodies and illustrate the ordinary high water mark.
Identify all other areas regulated as Critical Areas, by the City's Critical Area Regulations.
Identify all significant vegetation and distinguish native from altered conditions.
Written Justification: Please provide three (3) copies. A written explanation demonstrating the proposal's compliance with each
of the decisional criteria established for each specific requested development exception(s) and/or reasonable use exception(s)
contained in the City's Municipal Code.
Special Studies: Please provide three (3) copies. For all wetlands and streams, a delineation report prepared by a qualified
scientist shall be submitted to the City. Other studies maybe required for other identified Critical Areas; please check with the
Development Services Division to determine if a study is required as part of the initial submittal. During the review of a proposal
additional environmental information may be requested by Development Services.
Mitigation Plans: Please provide three (3) copies if mitigation is required. The applicant shall submit a dimensioned plan drawn at
a scale of 1” = 20' (or other scale approved by the Development Services Division). The mitigation plan shall be prepared by a
qualified scientist(s) following procedures set forth in the state Department of Ecology Guidelines for Developing Freshwater
Wetlands Mitigation Plans and Proposals, 2004, or as revised.
SEPA Checklist: Provide two (2) complete copies.
Mailing Labels: Please submit one (1) copy of the mailing labels, obtained from the King County Assessor website for all properties
within 300 feet of the boundaries of the subject site. It will be the applicant's responsibility to complete the mailing.
Radius map: Please provide (1) copy. The radius map shows parcels within 300 feet of the proposed property. The radius may be
reduced depending on the nature of the project.
Vicinity Map: Provide one (1) copy of a vicinity map on 8.5”x11” paper.
CD: Provide a CD that contains the PDF versions of all studies and complete site plans.
Application Fees: As required by the current City Development Services Fee Schedule.