San Diego Community College District
3375 Camino del Rio South
San Diego, CA 92108-3883
3. Are seminars, workshops, or conferences part of this Proposal? Yes No
Please give an estimated number of hours you will be attending this conference as a
participant and as a presenter and an estimated number of units you are requesting.
Remember that you will be required to attach the Professional Development Log of
Hours Worksheet Form, which can be found . This form uses Excel, which will
automatically translate those hours into units using the formulas: 30 hours of
attendance = 1 semester unit, 15 hours of presentation = 1 semester unit.
An official description or advertisement for this seminar/conference/workshop must be
submitted with this form.
Seminars, workshops, or conference hours & units requested
4. Is professional work experience or internship part of this Proposal? Yes
(If yes, attach Work Experience Proposal.)
Please give an estimated number of hours you will be completing this work experience
and an estimated number of units you will be requesting for this experience. Remember
that you will need an original signature from your employer on your Work Experience
Proposal, so you must take this Proposal with you to your job site. A Maximum of 8
semester units can be claimed during a faculty member's entire career at SDCCD.
Work Experience hours & units requested
(30 hours of experience = one semester unit)
Total Number of units from all sections being requested:
2. Are scholarly/creative works part of this Proposal? Yes
(If yes, the maximum number of units per class advancement is 7.5 units.)
Please include a description of your proposed project(s).
Proposed number of Units
(See suggested units for various Creative and Scholarly projects in the AFT
contract .)