All students, who require special accommodations while attending the College of
Southern Maryland, must comply with the following procedures:
1. Students must register with the Student Success Center/Disability Support Office at least six
weeks before the semester begins. Students who do not follow the procedure for services will
receive services in a timely manner, after the scheduled students are processed. In order to
begin the process, the student must fill out and return the REQUEST FOR
ACCOMMODATIONS form to the Disability Support Services Office.
2. Potential accommodations will be discussed with appropriate documentation.
3. Students must provide recent documentation of their disability from an appropriate licensed
professional. For medical disabilities, documentation must be provided by a medical doctor. For
Specific Learning Disabilities, a psycho-educational evaluation is appropriate from a
psychologist, vocational rehabilitation counselor or other qualified licensed professional. For
psychological disabilities, documentation must be provided by a psychologist or psychiatrist. An
Individual Education Plan (IEP), 504 Plan, or exit document from high school may not be
sufficient documentation of a disability but can be used as supporting documentation. Please
see individual documentation guidelines for a more thorough overview.
4. Documentation for all disabilities must include the functional limitation of the disability and the
impact of the disability in an academic setting. All documentation must be on letterhead,
typewritten with the evaluator’s name, credentials, telephone number, and follow the
published guidelines for the specific disabilities provided by the college.
5. Upon receipt of appropriate documentation, the Disability Support Services office will meet
with students to review and determine appropriate and reasonable accommodations. An
accommodations plan will be drafted with student input.
6. The College of Southern Maryland reserves the right to send any documentation received to
outside evaluators contracted by the College. This evaluation will be done at no cost to the
7. Students who are requesting texts in alternate format must follow the procedure and complete
the “Request for Text/Books in Alternate Format” form each semester and return it to the
Disability Support Services Office in a timely manner.