Residence Address:
City: State: Zip Code:
Business Name:
Business Phone:
Zip Code:
Mobile Phone:
Social Security #: Date of Birth:
ADDITIONAL PRINCIPAL INFORMATION (use separate sheets if necessary)
Residence Address:
City: State: Zip Code:
Business Name:
City: State: Zip Code:
Mobile Phone:
Business Phone:
Social Security #: Date of Birth:
IMPORTANT: If assets or liabilities are owned or owed jointly with co-principal or with someone other than co-principal, indicate how the asset is
titled and how much you owe or own in the appropriate schedules.
Assets Principal Co-Principal Joint
Cash in Institutions - Schedule A
US Government Securities - Schedule B
Securities Held by You - Schedule B
Other Equity Interest - Schedule B
Accounts and Notes Receivable
Real Estate Owned - Schedule C
Partnership Interest - Schedule D
Cash Value life Insurance - Schedule E
IRAs and 401ks
Other Vested Retirement Accounts
Other Assets - Itemize
Liabilities Principal Co-Principal Joint
Notes Payable this Bank - Schedule A
Notes Payable other Institutions -Schedule A
Notes Payable to Others
Due on Margin Accounts - Schedule B
Credit Cards and Other Bills
Personal Financial Statement
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Position of Occupation:
Position of Occupation:
Business Address:
Business Address:
Unpaid Taxes
Mortgage Loans - Schedule C or D
Land Contacts - Schedule C or D
Life Insurance Loans - Schedule E
Other Liabilities - Itemize
NET WORTH (Assets - Liabilities)
Sources of Income (Annual) Principal Co-Principal Joint
Bonus and Commissions
Real Estate Income
Other Income* – Itemize
*Alimony, Child Support or Separate Maintenance payments need not be disclosed unless relied upon as a basis for extension of credit. If disclosed, please
indicate if payments received under Court Order, A32 Written Agreement, or Oral Understanding.
Do you have any contingent liabilities (as endorser, co-maker, guarantor on
leases, or contracts?) If yes, fill in amount:
Pending legal claim? If yes, fill in amount:
Outstanding letters of credit or other special debit circumstances?
If yes, fill in amount:
Income Tax Liens? If yes, fill in amount:
If yes to any question(s), please describe:
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Schedule A: Banks, Brokers, Savings and Loans Association, Finance Companies or Credit Unions
List here the names of all the institutions at which you maintain a deposit account and/or where you have obtained loans or lines of credit.
We will need proof (via current account/bank statement) of liquidity.
Name of Institution
Current Balance Maximum Credit
Monthly Payment Secured by What Assets Maturity Dates Outstanding Debt
Schedule B: US Government, Marketable and Non-Marketable Securities
Number of Shares Face Value (Bonds) Deposit Account Balance High Credit Amount Owing
Market Value Are they Pledged?
Schedule C: Real Estate Owned (Please complete the enclosed schedule.)
Schedule D: Partnership Interest
Description of Property or Address Title in Name of Date Acquired % Owned
SHF Personal Financial Statement V1.1 Page 3 of 5
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Present Market Value
Mortgage of Land Contract Payable
Balance Owing Monthly Payment Holder Holder
Schedule E: Life Insurance Carried, Including Group Insurance
Name of Insurance Company Owner Policy Beneficiary Face Amount
Cash Surrender Value Policy Loans
I/we also hereby certify that no payment requirements listed herein are delinquent or in default except as follows; (if "NONE" so stated):
we hereby authorize Lender or any credit bureau or other investigative agency employed by it to investigate any information listed herein, or obtained
from me or from any other person pertaining to my financial responsibility. Intending that you shall rely on my statement herein, I hereby certify to you
that the foregoing information is true and complete.
To the best of my knowledge and belief. The attached Financial Statements dated _______________________ is a complete, true and accurate statement.
If an audited financial statement is available, it has been provided.
The financial statement(s) provided corresponds with Borrower's tax returns.
The verification of liquidity (cash, securities, etc.) is attached and corresponds to amounts stated on the financial statement.
I hereby certify that the above statements and additional information are true and correct.
Signature of Principal/Borrower/Guarantor Signature of Co-Principal/Co-Borrower/Co-Guarantor
Principal Name Additional Principal Name
Title Title
SHF Personal Financial Statement V1.1 Page 4 of 5
Schedule C: Real Estate Owned
This is prepared for:
(If schedule is already prepared, you may disregard this form and attach your own.)
Please complete or attach this form for each: (i) General Partner, Managing Member and/or Guarantor, (ii) anyone who controls the General
Partner, Managing Member and/or Guarantor, (iii) anyone who controls either individually or through trusts or affiliated entities with more than 50%
interest in the entity.
Please attach extra sheets if necessary.
Real Estate Owned and Included in Proposed Financing
Total Property Market Value Ownership % Total Market Value of Ownership % Total Loan Balance Total Monthly Debt Payment
Real Estate Owned and Not Included in Proposed Financing
Total Property Market Value Ownership % Total Market Value of Ownership % Total Loan Balance Total Monthly Debt Payment
If not included in the Personal Financial Statement, please attach a list of all other Contingent Liabilities for the above named entity or person.
Please provide a listing of all Multifamily properties in which the undersigned owns or has owned either the property or a significant interest in the
borrower and for which the mortgage or other security instrument on the property was purchased by Fannie Mae.
I hereby certify that the above statements and additional information are true and correct.
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