The Preliminary Plat must be accompanied by the following:
¨ Drawn to a scale of 1” = 100’ (If revised plat is submitted during review, please date)
¨ Include date, north arrow, scale (written and graphic) and a key or location map
¨ Name of subdivision, owner, subdivider, engineer, and/or land surveyor
¨ Topographic survey map of the area being subdivided, showing contours at two (2) foot intervals
¨ Exact location/legal description of the subdivision and description of all monuments found or placed in making the
¨ Location, names of adjacent subdivisions and the owners of adjoining parcels of subdivided and unsubdivided
Location, widths, and names of all existing platted or dedicated streets, alleys, or other public ways and easements, rail
road and utility rights-of-way, parks, water courses, drainage ditches, permanent buildings, bridges, and other pertinent
data as required by the Planning Commission
¨ The water elevations of adjoining lakes or streams at the date of the survey and approximate high and low water elevate
ions of such lakes or streams. All elevations shall refer to the established US Coast and Geodetic Survey datum.
¨ When a subdivision borders a lake or stream, the distance and bearings of a meander line shall be established n
not less than 20 feet back from the ordinary high watermark of the lake or from the bank of the stream.
¨ The proposed street names and system of numbering lots and blocks..
¨ The exact length of the exterior boundaries of the land to be subdivided.
¨ Approximate dimensions of all lots.
¨ Approximate radii of all curves and lengths of all tangents.
The location, size, and type of sanitary and storm sewers, water mains, culverts, and other surface and subsurface
structures and pipe lines existing within or immediately adjacent to the proposed subdivision; and the location,
layout, type and proposed size of the following structures and utilities:
¨ Water Mains and Storage Facilities
¨ Sanitary Sewer Mains, Sub-mains, and Laterals
¨ Storm Sewers, culverts, and drainage structures
¨ Street improvements
¨ Sidewalks
¨ The location of all drainage channels and subsurface drainage structures, and the proposed method of dispos
ing of all runoff from the proposed subdivision, and the location and size of all drainage easements relating
thereto, whether they are located within or outside of the proposed plat.
¨ Where deed restrictions are to be recorded on the plat, a brief description of the proposed restrictions
¨ A description of the improvements such as grading, paving, tree planting, walks and installations of utilities
which the subdivider proposes to make, and the time when they are to be made, shall accompany the prelim
nary plat.
The applicant or his/her representative should appear to present the application to the Planning Commission
Please PRINT or TYPE all information
A. Physical Location/Address of Property:_____________________________________
B. Total area included in preliminary plat__________________Total Number of Lots Currently Zoned
C. Residential Commercial Industrial Other
D. Number of Lots wholly or partially located in the Flood Plain:
E. Is any of the plat proposed to be dedicated for public use? Yes  No
Or Metes and Bounds Description:
A ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
(First Name/ or Business Name) (Last Name)
B. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
(Street Address) (City) (State) (Zip Code)
(Telephone) (Fax)
A. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
(First Name/ or Business Name) (Last Name)
(Street Address) (City) (State) (Zip Code)
(Telephone) (Fax)
A. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
(First Name/ or Business Name) (Last Name)
B. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
(Street Address) (City) (State) (Zip Code)
(Telephone) (Fax)
 1 complete CD or flash drive
Preliminary Plat Application Fee $250.00 plus $2.00 per lot
 $50.00 per acre for park purposes
 5 Copies of the preliminary plat (must be folded) and 1 sent in a PDF
 5 Copies of supporting maps (if any)
1 Copy of drainage calculations and hydraulics report (as required by City Engineer)
Transmittal letter
 Plat Review-$400(one acre or less) $800(one to two acres) $200(two to ten acres)$175(more than ten)