The on-site Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) compliance audit of the Albert C. Wagner Youth Correctional Facility (ACWYCF), New
Jersey Department of Corrections (NJDOC), was conducted October 27-28, 2016. Prior to the audit, the facility submitted the Pre-Audit
Questionnaire to the auditor and provided a comprehensive set of supporting documents. This information was discussed with the facility
PREA Compliance Manager prior to the on-site visit. Much of the documentation was in the form of NJDOC and facility written policies
and documentation supporting compliance to the PREA. The Agency Head (Commissioner) and the Agency Wide PREA Coordinator
were interviewed prior to the on-site visit.
An entrance meeting was held the first day of the audit to discuss any concerns regarding the audit process and to finalize the facility tour
and interview schedules. The Assistant Superintendent/PREA Compliance Manager and a Management Analyst were in attendance at
the meeting. A comprehensive tour of the entire facility was completed. The tour included the admissions and discharge area, all housing
units the medical department, the mental health department, recreation areas, the food service department, the maintenance department,
the law library, the visitation area, and education/ programming areas. During the tour, it was noted that there were 76 operating video
cameras with recording capabilities, PREA information postings and staffing was observed to be clearly sufficient to ensure a safe
environment for inmates and staff. No significant "blind spots" were noted. Signs were posted (in English and Spanish) throughout the
institution that provided PREA reporting methods, the zero tolerance policy and other contact information. Audit notice postings with the
PREA auditors’ contact information were also located in the same areas. Informal conversations with employees and inmates regarding
the PREA standards were conducted during the tour. There were no letters mailed to the auditor as a result of the audit postings in the
housing units. All areas of the facility were observed to be clean and orderly.
Fifteen randomly selected line staff were interviewed and included employees from several departments. Correctional officers and
supervisors from various shifts were included. All were very aware of the agency’s zero tolerance policy and knew of their responsibilities
to protect inmates from sexual abuse/harassment and their duties as first responders. Specialized staff were also interviewed and
included the Administrator, Assistant Superintendent/PREA Compliance Manager, the Human Resources Manager, an Intermediate or
Higher Level Staff Member, an Investigator, the Medical Director, the Mental Health Clinical Supervisor, two Intake Staff, two Staff who
perform Screening for Risk of Victimization/Abusiveness, the Retaliation Monitor, four Volunteers and two Contractors. All staff
interviewed, the contractors, and the volunteers demonstrated a thorough understanding and knowledge of the PREA and their
responsibilities under the PREA compliance program, relative to their position in the organization and employment status.
Fifteen randomly selected inmates were interviewed from all housing units. Two limited English proficient inmates, one disabled inmate,
three inmates who had disclosed prior victimization during risk screening, and two inmates who had self-identified as being gay were
interviewed. During the time of the audit there were no inmates who had self-identified as being transgender or intersex. There were also
no inmates who had reported sexual abuse at the facility. All of the inmates interviewed demonstrated a thorough understanding of the
PREA and the prevention, protection and reporting mechanisms and all stated they felt safe at the facility.
A review of the investigative files of allegations filed during the previous twelve months alleging sexual abuse or sexual harassment was
conducted. There was one allegation of inmate on inmate sexual abuse or sexual harassment. The determination of the investigation was
unsubstantiated. There were two allegations of staff on inmate sexual abuse or sexual harassment. One of these allegations was
unsubstantiated and the other is an active investigation. All investigations were completed promptly, thoroughly and were well
The auditor concluded, through interviews and a review of policies and documentation, that all staff and inmates were very knowledgeable
concerning their responsibilities regarding the Prison Rape Elimination Act. During the interviews, the inmates acknowledged that they
received information about the facility's zero tolerance policy against sexual abuse upon arrival and indicated that most staff were
respectful and helpful. Staff were able to describe their specific duties and responsibilities, including being a "first responder", if an
incident occurred or an allegation of sexual abuse or sexual harassment was made.