Tribe Management Inc. // 419-1155 W Pender St. // Vancouver, BC, V6E 2P4
Terms and Conditions
• I/We acknowledge that I/we are participating in a PAD plan established by Tribe Management Inc. and I/we participate in this PAD
plan upon all terms and conditions set out herein. Tribe Management Inc. reserves the right to reject my/our application or
discontinue the service.
• I/We warrant and guarantee that all persons whose signatures are required to sign on this account have signed this agreement.
• I/We acknowledge that this PAD authoriz
ation is provided for the benefit of Tribe Management Inc. and the processing/financial
institution administering the account, and is provided in consideration of the said processing institution agreeing to process these
PADs against my/our bank account in accordance with the rules of the Payments Canada.
• I/We hereby authorize Tribe Management Inc. on behalf of my landlord and its processing institution to debit my/our bank account
on the 1st day of each month:
o All recurring monthly rental charges and/or other charges (e.g. parking and lockers, etc., if any); and/or
o Any one-time sporadic debit of any kind (e.g. rent arrears, late payment fees, NSF administration fee, etc.) as authorized in
writing by me/us.
• I/we understand that the amount of rental and other charges fees may be increased based on the notice of rent increase as
provided to me by the landlord and its agent.
• I/We acknowledge that delivery of this authorization to Tribe Management Inc. constitutes delivery by me/us to the
processing/financial institution.
• I/We understand that this authority is to remain in effect until Tribe Management Inc. has received written notification from me/us
of its change or termination. The notification must be delivered to the office of Tribe Management Inc. at least ten (10) business
days in advance of the next PAD withdrawal. I/We may obtain a cancellation form or more information on my/our right to cancel
our PAD Agreement by contacting the office of Tribe Management Inc. or by visiting www.payments.ca.
• I/We acknowledge that if my/our account is transferred to another financial institution, this authorization becomes null and void on
the date of the transfer and it will be necessary to provide a new authorization to Tribe Management Inc.
• I/We also undertake to inform Tribe Management Inc. immediately, in writing, of any change in the account (e.g. account closure,
change of account number, etc.) or other information (e.g. mailing address, phone number etc.) provided in this authorization.
• I/We understand that an NSF administration fee will apply to my/our account should my/our PAD be returned due to insufficient
funds, account closure, account freeze, etc. I/We further acknowledge that it is my/our responsibility to ensure the balance in
my/our bank account is sufficient to cover the PADs.
• Should the PAD withdrawal result in an NSF, I/we authorize Tribe Management further attempts to withdraw the
outstanding rental charge including the applicable NSF Fee from my/our bank account within the next 5 business days of
receipt of bank NSF notification.
• I/We have certain recourse rights if any debit does not comply with this agreement. For example, I/We have the right to receive
reimbursement for any debit that is not authorized or is not consistent with this PAD Agreement. I/We may obtain more
information on my/our recourse rights by contacting my/our financial institution, Tribe Management Inc. or visit www.payments.ca
• I/We understand the personal information provided in this PAD Agreement is for purposes of identifying and communicating with
me/us, processing payments, responding to emergencies, ensuring the orderly management of the property and complying with
legal requirements. I/We hereby authorize the landlord and its agent to collect, use and disclose my/our personal information for
these purposes.