Rev. 01/22/20
Sabbatical Report for: _________________________________________ EID: _____________________
Department: ________________________________________________
College: ____________________________________________________
Period of Leave: ______________________________________________ (ex.: Fall 2019; Spring 2020; Full-Year 2019-2020)
Per BSU Policy #4400, please review the report, indicate your acceptance/non-acceptance of the report and
forward to the next appropriate person. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
Acceptable Not Acceptable ________________________________ ______________
Department Chair Signature Date
Acceptable Not Acceptable ________________________________ _______________
Dean Signature Date
Acceptable Not Acceptable ________________________________ _______________
Provost & Vice President for Date
Academic Affairs Signature
The Sabbatical Leave Report accompanying this approval form has been received at the Boise State
University Library Archives.
______________________________________________________ _______________
University Archives Representative Signature Date
After signing this form, The University archives representative will forward the form to the faculty member
whose final report was approved and archived.
Rev. 01/22/20
Within one month of the start of classes in the semester of their return to the university, the faculty member must
submit a written report of sabbatical activities and accomplishments to their department chair. The report must:
1. State proposed goals and a summary of work completed toward the goals; and
2. Contain information on how the new knowledge will be utilized in continuing his /her institutional
responsibilities and any other benefits to the university as a result of the sabbatical leave.
3. The Post Sabbatical Leave Report Approval form must be attached to the front of the written report.
Upon receipt of the approval form and report, the Department Chair will review the report. Acceptance of the
report will be acknowledged by signing the approval form. The approval form and report will be forwarded to
the Dean. Providing there is concurrence with the Chair’s review, the Dean will sign the approval form and will
forward the approval form and report to the Provost for review. If accepted, the Provost will sign the approval
form and forward the approval form and report to the University Library for placement in the Archives. The
University Archivist will return a signed copy of the final report approval form back to the faculty member. This
form will be returned to the faculty member within one month after submission of the report.