Rev. 01/22/20
Sabbatical Report for: _________________________________________ EID: _____________________
Department: ________________________________________________
College: ____________________________________________________
Period of Leave: ______________________________________________ (ex.: Fall 2019; Spring 2020; Full-Year 2019-2020)
Per BSU Policy #4400, please review the report, indicate your acceptance/non-acceptance of the report and
forward to the next appropriate person. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
☐ Acceptable ☐ Not Acceptable ________________________________ ______________
Department Chair Signature Date
☐ Acceptable ☐ Not Acceptable ________________________________ _______________
Dean Signature Date
☐ Acceptable ☐ Not Acceptable ________________________________ _______________
Provost & Vice President for Date
Academic Affairs Signature
The Sabbatical Leave Report accompanying this approval form has been received at the Boise State
University Library Archives.
______________________________________________________ _______________
University Archives Representative Signature Date
After signing this form, The University archives representative will forward the form to the faculty member
whose final report was approved and archived.