Student Name: ______________________________ Appt Date/Time: ________________________________
Advisor: __________________________________________________________
Anticipated Semester of Teacher Candidacy: _____Fall _____ Spring of _________
Background: As an expectation of the teacher education program after admission, each student are to continue to add
to their portfolio in preparation for the Stage 3—High Stakes Portfolio presentation. While enrolled in one of the upper
level literacy courses, students must show and discuss their continued efforts to prepare that next level portfolio as part of
an assignment/requirement of the course. This is the form that officially documents that conversation of advisee and
advisor regarding that portfolio progress.
1. To provide each admitted EDU student with an opportunity to obtain feedback and encouragement on
progress toward the Stage 3 Portfolio development.
2. To select an artifact, write a rationale, and obtain feedback on that artifact, rationale and connection to a
Directions for the student:
• Prepare the portfolio for sharing with the advisor;
• Select one artifact and write a rationale on the artifact and connect it to a teacher standard. Attempt to solidify the
portfolio theme (building on the original one or developing a new one).
• Make an appointment with the advisor and indicate that appointment time to the instructor of the course by the
due date.
• Meet with the advisor and share the portfolio at its present stage and the selected artifact/rationale. Give the
advisor this form to complete at the appointment.
Directions for the advisor:
• Please make every effort to meet with the advisee to provide feedback to the student in a timely manner as the
student has a deadline for the course also.
• After discussing the portfolio and paging/viewing the contents, please respond to the following items—consider
the development aspect of the portfolio as a whole
. THEN review the specific student-selected artifact with
rationale and provide feedback on that as well. (The student then is to make adjustments per the feedback and
submit all of that paperwork to the instructor to meet the requirement of the course.)
1. Overall Reaction: (Has the student thoughtfully advanced this portfolio from the entry level version?)