Request for Substitution NJSDA FORM RFS (1/2016)
P.O. BOX 991
TRENTON, NJ 08625-0991
The New Jersey Schools Development Authority (SDA) takes seriously its commitment to
ensuring fairness to all project subcontractors and sub-consultants. As such, the subcontractors
and sub-consultants identified in bids and proposals may only be replaced for legitimate business
reasons and in accordance with SDA procedures and procedures outlined below. In addition,
contractors and consultants shall not substitute a small business enterprise (SBE) unless the
substitution is for legitimate business reasons and in accordance with the SDA's rules, Affirmative
Action and Set Asides in Authority-Financed School Facility Projects, N.J.A.C. 19:39-4 and the
procedures adopted in accordance therewith.
Subcontractor Substitution - For Sub Contractors/Sub Consultants named on Form A
A contractor/consultant shall make no substitution of any subcontractor or sub consultants named
in its bid proposal or identified by the contractor as a participating SBE subcontractor/sub
consultants in SBE Form A, Schedule of SBE Participation for Contractors/Consultant, without
first submitting a request for substitution in writing to the SDA with complete justification for the
request prior to the substitution. Additionally, a contractor must have the written approval of the
SDA before such a substitution can be made, regardless of the reason for the substitution.
Contractors shall not substitute the subcontractor/consultant named in its bid proposal
subcontractor, except upon a determination by the SDA that just cause exists to support the
substitution (again, providing documentation substantiating proposed change). Furthermore, a
contractor shall not terminate for convenience SBE subcontractor/subconsultant named in its bid
proposal or an SBE subcontractor and perform the work of the terminated subcontractor with its
own forces or those of an affiliate, without the SDA's prior written consent.
If a contractor must substitute an SBE subcontractor, the contractor shall make a good faith effort
to find another SBE subcontractor to perform the same contract dollar amount (or a greater
amount) of work as had been allocated to the original SBE subcontractor.
Subconsultant Substitution - For Vendors on Form B
A vendor shall make no substitution of any vendor named in its proposal or identified by the
consultant as a participating SBE vendor in SBE Form B, Schedule of SBE Participation, without
first submitting a request for substitution in writing to the SDA with complete justification for the
request prior to the substitution. The consultant must have the written approval of the SDA
before such a substitution can be made, regardless of the reason for the substitution.
Vendors shall not substitute a vendors named in its proposal, except upon a determination by the
SDA that just cause exists to support the substitution.. Furthermore, a vendor shall not terminate
for convenience a sub-vendor, an SBE subconsultant and supply the goods and services of the
terminated sub-vendor with its own forces or those of an affiliate, without the SDA's prior written