Policy and Resource Meeting 9th June 2020Month No: 1
South Woodham Ferrers Town Council Current Year
Page 3
Detailed Income & Expenditure by Budget Heading 30/04/2020
Actual Year
To Date
Annual Bud
Annual Total
Current Mth
to/from EMR
120 Policy & Resources General
214,0941076 Precept 214,094 214,094 428,187
1,3881090 Interest Received 112 112 1,500
5501095 Leases & Wayleave 0 0 550
214,206 430,237214,206Policy & Resources General :- Income 216,031 0
140,890 140,8904200 Salaries 9,110 9,110 150,000
39,000 39,0004205 Employer's NI 0 0 39,000
40,000 40,0004210 Superannuation 0 0 40,000
1,000 1,0004230 Payroll Contract 0 0 1,000
50 504235 Petty Cash 0 0 50
1,000 1,0004240 Staff Uniform & Travel 0 0 1,000
5,000 5,0004245 Training 0 0 5,000
2,000 2,0004246 Training - Councillors 0 0 2,000
450 4504250 Recruitment 0 0 450
500 5004255 Subscriptions 1,501 1,501 2,000
200 2004260 Publications 0 0 200
500 5004265 Marketing 0 0 500
1,940 1,9404270 Audit 560 560 2,500
3,000 3,0004275 Insurance 0 0 3,000
1,200 1,2004280 Civic Budget 0 0 1,200
300 3004285 Member's Expenses 0 0 300
10,320 10,3204290 Member's Basic Allowance 0 0 10,320
11,162 11,1624295 Loan Repayment 11,162 11,162 22,324
5,057 5,0574300 IT Contract & Equipment 943 943 6,000
850 8504305 Elections 0 0 850
2,250 2,2504310 Earmarked Grants 0 0 2,250
8,000 5,3504315 Grants 0 0 8,000 2,650
30,000 30,0004316 Project Fund 0 0 30,000
1,086 1,0864325 Litter Control 14 14 1,100
1,500 1,5004800 Contingencies 0 0 1,500
2,000 2,0004801 Professional Fees 0 0 2,000
23,290 332,54423,290Policy & Resources General :- Indirect Expenditure 309,254 2,650 306,604 0
Net Income over Expenditure
190,916 97,693 (93,223)190,916
6000 plus Transfer from EMR (30,850) (30,850)
Movement to/(from) Gen Reserve
160,066 160,066
Continued over page