_____ 14). Show contours, with maximum intervals as follows:
(in percent)
(in feet)
5 plus
_____ 15).
Copies of U.S.G.S. maps are not acceptable.
Site grading:
a. Whenever any area of the proposed project has a gradient of five percent or
more, as measured between natural contours, the following information shall
be shown on or accompany the tentative map:
i. The proposed cuts and fills in the project.
ii. The elevations of all individual building pads in the project.
iii. The elevations at the perimeter of the project.
iv. The relationship to adjoining land and development.
b. The finished grade elevations on the final grading plan where the gradient is
five percent or more and shall not vary more than two feet, plus or minus,
from the difference in elevations shown on the approved plan,
c. On gradients less than five percent, when elevations are not shown on the
plans, the finish grade elevations shall not create cuts or fills of more than
four feet, plus or minus, from the natural contour.
_____ 16).
_____ 17).
Indicate existing use of property immediately surrounding the property.
Show existing zoning, General Plan designation, proposed land use (single-
family, multiple-family, business, industrial), and flood zone designation with
panel number.
A. Report and written statements on the following matters shall accompany the
1. Proposed method of control of stormwater, including data as to amount of
runoff, and the approximate grade and dimensions of the proposed
2. Draft Water Quality Management Plan
B. If the project is within a special studies zone shown on the map prepared by the
State Geologist pursuant to the Alquist-Priolo Geologic Hazard Zone Act, a geologic
report or waiver thereof pursuant to the provisions of Riverside County Ordinance
No. 547 shall accompany the project. (Ord. 547 S5.1, 1983)